Use "luxury tax" in a sentence

1. 19 The luxury tax won't really do much to pare down the budget deficit.

2. The only other source of additional revenue in immediate Contemplation appears to be the luxury tax.

3. No sooner did it release its trial balloon on the Luxury Tax, than it met with a public backlash.

4. The transfer fee was not included when calculating an MLB team's total payroll, which is subject to a luxury tax when it exceeds $155 million.

5. The Monopoly game-board consists of forty spaces containing twenty-eight properties—twenty-two streets (grouped into eight color groups), four railroads, and two utilities—three Chance spaces, three Community Chest spaces, a Luxury Tax space, an Income Tax space, and the four corner squares: GO, (In) Jail/Just Visiting, Free Parking, and Go to Jail.