Use "luxuriant" in a sentence

1. Luxuriant forests covered the hillside.

2. Luxuriant forests covered the hills.

3. This new luxuriant yatch is near completion.

4. Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.

5. Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders.

6. We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our bedroom.

7. Judah practices immoral worship under every luxuriant tree

8. Now the luxuriant branches were bent with fruit!

9. Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses.

10. Hair that's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming.

11. The luxuriant lawn is an ideal place for walking.

12. Over this Clambered a luxuriant growth of grape vines

13. I have never seen such luxuriant pampering of bodies.

14. 6 Hair that's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming.

15. Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.

16. 1 I have never seen such luxuriant pampering of bodies.

17. (Psalm 1:3) Imagine a luxuriant tree whose foliage never withers!

18. Relaxation on sun-kissed beaches, with luxuriant palm trees offering welcome shade?

19. David desired to be like “a luxuriant olive tree in God’s house.”

20. Ambon has a tropical climate, which results in evergreen and extremely luxuriant vegetation.

21. Not just longer, but Bushier, thicker, glossier, more luxuriant- downrightbiblicalmany of them

22. This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare.

23. The heavy rains have brought luxuriant green vegetation to these normally arid islands.

24. The hometown abounds with the big banyan with luxuriant foliage and spreading branches.

25. She has gone up on every high mountain and underneath every luxuriant tree to commit prostitution.

26. After two summers of luxuriant growth, a wasteland of war has been conquered by weeds.

27. Luxuriant Lin endless, and ancient trees, cypress green, alpine azalea Nanling bamboo, plants that, very enjoyable.

28. The comparison suggests that her hair was shiny and luxuriant like the black hair of goats.

29. The contrast of this laughing, luxuriant beauty with the clear-cut, austere grandeur all around arrests the attention sharply.

30. She looked down at him, at the dark, even features, the long eyelashes and the luxuriant black hair.

31. • A tall, Bespectacled figure, his face half concealed by a luxuriant walrus moustache, Perky had enjoyed an extraordinary career

32. He was well over six feet, his hair was black and his eyes gleamed amber from between luxuriant lashes.

33. And a woman stripped naked to the waist, her luxuriant, flowered yellow hat vibrating against a deep black ground.

34. A tall, bespectacled figure, his face half concealed by a luxuriant walrus moustache, Perky had enjoyed an extraordinary career.

35. A huge, beautiful collie in his luxuriant prime, mouth gaping, tongue lolling[sentencedict .com], eyes staring lifelessly at nothing.

36. There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.

37. Up to 2% cash back  · Fine silk Charmeuse provides a luxuriant backdrop for this puff-sleeve blouse

38. 12 There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.

39. In fact, sichuan A dam luxuriant county the person in this village, heretofore still lives in the board room that the country provides.

40. It is intermediate in size between the Tibetan and Arabian wolf, and lacks the former's luxuriant winter coat due to it living in warmer conditions.

41. Bushy adjective thick, bristling, spreading, rough, stiff, fuzzy, fluffy, unruly, shaggy, wiry, luxuriant, bristly a Bushy tail Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

42. The park occupies an area of 500ha. There is a vast grassland and luxuriant trees. The forest is the haunt of wild deer, roe deer, pheasants and wild hares.

43. Karachi is considered to be the melting pot of Pakistan and the scrumptious cuisine in the bustling streets of this luxuriant city is filled with aroma, Copiousness, and diversity

44. 13 The attraction of this species partly in the cordate leaves, which are suffused with purple when grown in full sunlight, but green and more luxuriant when grown in shade.

45. Compared with luxuriant grasses and flying nightingales in South River Land in spring, we feel the warmth after cold, the floweriness after doomsday and the real transience in Early Spring series.

46. This journal’s first issue—July 1879—said: “Truth, like a modest little flower in the wilderness of life, is surrounded and almost choked by the luxuriant growth of the weeds of error.

47. Apart from the luxuriant black beard which earned him his nickname, the most prominent aspect of the Blackbeard legend is his buried treasure, which has never been found and probably never existed.

48. We can be “like a luxuriant olive tree in God’s house” —close to Jehovah and productive in his service— by obeying him and by willingly accepting his discipline. —Hebrews 12:5, 6.

49. His torch of truth lays bare her lies, her hypocrisy, her self-cocooning ambition, her hypodermic "youth" injections, her Bigamies, her bald scalp under the luxuriant wigs, and the unresolved

50. To become a luxuriant olive tree in God’s house, we must obey Jehovah and be willing to accept the discipline by which he “prunes” us so that we can bear more Christian fruitage.

51. Mix the necklace that build to combine silk of metal, pearl, bud, silks and satins together, of bowknot and tassel a large number of applying, make mix build necklace to look very luxuriant.

52. Poás volcano, rising to over 8,800 feet [2,700 m], is a mountain with two eyes —one white and boiling in the active crater and the other, a blue lake surrounded by luxuriant jungle.

53. Tell the truth, luxuriant and beautiful is the sort of very lovely wife, this kind of ambiguous contact lets me be unable to bear or endure mind ripples, surprise mistily think of crotchet night.

54. All travellers attest the luxuriant verdure of those extensive wadies; and that they were equally or still more rich in pasture Anciently, is confirmed by the numerous flocks of the Amalekites, as well as of Nabal

55. Are you not the children of transgression, the seed of falsehood, those who are working up passion among big trees, under every luxuriant tree, slaughtering the children in the torrent valleys under the clefts of the crags?” —Isaiah 57:4, 5.

56. The Baglioni Resort Alleluja is immersed in luxuriant nature in the heart of the Maremma Grossetana region of Tuscany, an incredibly beautiful landscape with hills and the sea, panoramic views over the coast and the possibility of excursions to the nearby islands of the Tuscan Archipelago (Elba, Giglio and Cerboli)

57. We longed to get out and play with them but restrained ourselves as we looked at the muscles under the lionesses’ skin and noted two big males with luxuriant manes stretched out in sphinx poses —great golden cats blinking their yellow eyes contentedly in the sun’s last rays.

58. All types of XVIth century helmets, the Burgonets present examples of the most luxuriant adornment—A review of some of the most famous Burgonets extant taken under the heading of nationalities, and an endeavour to trace their possible makers—Those of Italian origin from about 1510 to 1600—Those of German origin—Those of

59. En And you people will have to know that I am Jehovah, when their slain ones come to be in the midst of their dungy idols, all around their altars, upon every high hill, on all the tops of the mountains and under every luxuriant tree and under every Branchy big tree, the place where they have offered a restful odor to all their dungy idols.

60. Such parts of his remains as were useless to the Anatomisers were to be ‘ composted’ into a fertiliser, for the purpose of nourishing the growth of an American elm, to be planted or set out in some rural public thoroughfare; that the weary wayfaring man might rest, and innocent children playfully sport beneath the shadow of the umbrageous branches, rendered luxuriant by his carcase.