Use "lusted" in a sentence

1. She lusted after her passionate lovers,+ her neighbors the As·syrʹi·ans.

2. 8 Hell, George Washington lusted in half the country inns of the original 13 colonies.

3. Placing his hands on the Auriferous treasure, the pirate lusted for the golden trinkets

4. He had even lusted for Halina, already woven a net in readiness to ensnare her.

5. KELLOGG, First National Bank Bufidin lilt nu v i 11 md o make I tin n niic of our ciMorm*r» goes elsewhere and purchases H I: 11nn!- is cheap, but after he wears it and finds that it is cut uU-liet end lusted together he comes to us and Imys well mad* eet fitting suit- from a -lock where he has hundreds of Styles his selection from.