Use "lunchtime" in a sentence

1. Our lunchtime phone call.

2. Steve rolled in around lunchtime.

3. Are you free at lunchtime?

4. What are you doing at lunchtime?

5. The package still hadn't arrived by lunchtime.

6. The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.

7. Lunchtime or early evening are preferable.

8. I slept right through till lunchtime.

9. He worked on right through lunchtime.

10. I am always free at lunchtime.

11. She finally showed up at lunchtime.

12. The haze usually clears by lunchtime.

13. At lunchtime the streets were choked with traffic.

14. By lunchtime, the vote was 12-0 to Acquit

15. I myself don't like a heavy meal at lunchtime.

16. We have our main meal at lunchtime.

17. The rain came on just before lunchtime.

18. Alexander always has milky coffee at lunchtime.

19. You're going to have a busy lunchtime rush.

20. 26 The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.

21. She didn't get out of bed till lunchtime today.

22. He usually goes out for a pint at lunchtime.

23. It's like screening shows for insomniacs at lunchtime.

24. Who's going to man the stall at lunchtime?

25. For now, from everyone on the lunchtime team, good afternoon.

26. I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime.

27. She was given to staying in bed till lunchtime.

28. Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime.

29. Authentically Mia’s offers Bridgeport, WV, a uniquely distinct lunchtime dining option

30. The quartet will be performing in a series of lunchtime concerts.

31. I don't like a heavy meal at lunchtime myself.

32. He got back to the office just before lunchtime.

33. John ate the last of the bread at lunchtime.

34. 5 At lunchtime the streets were choked with traffic.

35. Dennis ate the last of the bread at lunchtime.

36. 9 A catnap at lunchtime can make you feel refreshed.

37. She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers.

38. 8 He usually goes out for a pint at lunchtime.

39. He returned from a lunchtime drinking session with his business cronies.

40. We made good time and were at the hotel by lunchtime.

41. Authentically Mia’s offers Bridgeport, WV, a uniquely distinct lunchtime dining option.

42. I woke just before lunchtime to find Wavebreaker still sailing eastwards.

43. I'll just have a little nosh at lunchtime, perhaps a hot dog.

44. We whizzed through the rehearsal, so that we'd be finished by lunchtime.

45. Most of us were too busy to indulge in heavy lunchtime drinking.

46. The lunchtime menu is more than adequate to satisfy the biggest appetite.

47. But at lunchtime there was a phone call; some urgent business required his attention downtown.

48. He started early to the effect that he might get there by lunchtime.

49. She had hit him at lunchtime - her feelings now were even more murderous.

50. It’s a Burpingly-vast pile of food at lunchtime (or dinner, for that matter)

51. For this week, from everyone on the lunchtime team, good afternoon and have a great weekend.

52. Mr Kirwan, who suffered hypothermia, concussion, shoulder and chest injuries and bruising, was released yesterday lunchtime.

53. Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.

54. 15 The discussions reached a new level of intensity and by lunchtime the exchanges were becoming very heated.

55. A Snack & Grill Bar, by the pool, offers a la carte light meals during lunchtime.

56. He just crouches on the corner at lunchtime and occasionally bays, like a wolf or coyote.

57. Dean’s determined to take another crack at Bela’s room before lunchtime or face the Awkwardnessand ask Jo for help

58. At lunchtime the opportunity cost of letting you take up a table for four is substantial.

59. A small lunchtime party was held for the entire staff, at which commemorative mementos were distributed.

60. A customer who buys goods or services from a store, restaurant, etc.: The restaurant's lunchtime Clients are mostly businesspeople.

61. Here we ate a huge lunchtime bar meal in the garden, overlooking the dale and its daffodil fields.

62. Butch the Belligerent bully threatened the other students during lunchtime, punched them, and took their spending money from their pockets

63. At lunchtime, when everyone was brewing up, the navigator plotted all those little legs on to a map.

64. Dean’s determined to take another crack at Bela’s room before lunchtime or face the Awkwardnessand ask Jo for help

65. #maraîchers #marchédijon #leniddijon #laCauseriedesmondesdijon #lunchtime #lunchbag #aemporterterdijon #cuisinemaison #propositionVégétariene #healthyfood

66. The Afternoon is the part of each day which begins at lunchtime and ends at about six o'clock

67. Cool Feature: The box is collapsible so you could roll it out like a placemat, to fancy up lunchtime.

68. Beef Carpaccio is a classic Italian dish that involves minimal cooking and makes an elegant starter or lunchtime dish

69. Atune Yoga has a lunchtime vinyasa yoga class on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the New Market Theater building in Oldtown

70. By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home.

71. Noel, noel, a charming gift idea with suggestions of inverted seasonal myth—until director Joseph Sargent swamps it all in Antimythical literalism and predictable lunchtime theater.

72. He accompanied his trainees on lunchtime booze-ups in the local pub where he regaled them with stories of his hectic social life.

73. And then at lunchtime, I watched with an increasingly sick feeling as the eldest girl in the family cooked porridge as a substitute for lunch.

74. Noel, noel, a charming gift idea with suggestions of inverted seasonal myth—until director Joseph Sargent swamps it all in Antimythical literalism and predictable lunchtime theater.

75. 16 At lunchtime we streaked through Elkhorn Slough, a salt marsh reserve near Monterey,[] where egrets preened and massive sea lions lolled in the mud.

76. Afternoon The Afternoon is the part of each day that begins at noon or lunchtime and ends at about six o'clock, or after it is dark in winter

77. Noel, noel, a charming gift idea with suggestions of inverted seasonal myth—until director Joseph Sargent swamps it all in Antimythical literalism and predictable lunchtime theater.

78. We are not alone: in every sandwich bar at lunchtime there are lines of stressed workers unable to decide between the seasonal turkey-and- stuffing sandwich or chorizo and rocket baguette.

79. ‘A Clamorous group from the North-East who had started drinking at lunchtime lurched down one side of Micklegate, while on the other a hen night gathering from North Wales set …

80. LONDON ( Reuters ) - Chelsea missed an opportunity to close the gap on fourth-placed Tottenham Hotspur as the lunchtime derby in the Premier League ended 0-0 at Stamford Bridge on Saturday .