Use "lunatic fringe" in a sentence

1. But not all promoters of hate are from the lunatic fringe.

2. So we never hear the case put for it, except in jocular references to people on the lunatic fringe.

3. A lunatic.

4. The reasons for becoming a Berther may include maintaining one's sanity, protecting one's self and others, including the lunatic fringe, and preserving one's faith in mankind.

5. Uh, lunatic alchemist.

6. Shut up, you lunatic!

7. That boy's an absolute lunatic.

8. The man's a raving lunatic.

9. He drives like a lunatic.

10. He was raving like a lunatic!

11. Bow and scrape to that fucking lunatic?

12. Oh, he's probably just another conspiracy lunatic.

13. He must be a raving idiot/lunatic.

14. The court committed her to a lunatic asylum.

15. My fringe needs trimming.

16. The fringe is perfect.

17. Her son thinks she's an absolute raving lunatic.

18. He pleads for sanity in a lunatic world.

19. EasyFit Pom Pom Fringe Bedskirt

20. I believe I came off as a deranged lunatic.

21. 8 My fringe needs trimming.

22. I'm growing my fringe out.

23. Some lunatic came into the store and shot him.

24. There's no knowing what this lunatic will do next.

25. The flowers were a fringe benefit.

26. She thinks I'm a lunatic, and I don't blame her.

27. The boy and girl probably thought he was a lunatic.

28. This great composer ended his days in a lunatic asylum.

29. I am a does not contain any additives lunatic.

30. 4 He pleads for sanity in a lunatic world.

31. I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.

32. But his lunatic ravings are now in the British Museum.

33. Fringe cups (Tellima grandiflora) Like the piggyback plant and the Alumroots, fringe cups are also in the Saxifragaceae

34. She has a fringe and glasses.

35. This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.

36. Then, sculpt the remaining fringe parting.

37. Buckbean is Water Fringe 's childhood friend.

38. The fringe benefits include free health insurance.

39. Absolute phase measurement with secondary pattern-embedded fringe

40. Beyond this marginal fringe no agriculture is possible.

41. The official dismissed the speech as the ramblings of a desperate lunatic.

42. The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer.

43. Why remove a madman just to have a lunatic take his place?

44. Does being accosted by a lunatic make me a murder suspect?

45. It's just page after page of the ravings of a lunatic.

46. This black chica working for the Russians was a maniac lunatic.

47. He must be a lunatic to drive his car so fast.

48. 14 This great composer ended his days in a lunatic asylum.

49. Corral Fringe Studded Leather Western Ankle Boot.


51. They were “literally sick of bad air, chemicalized food, and lunatic advertising.

52. He has been called a fascist, a heretic and shenjingbing , a lunatic.

53. She stared at us from beneath her fringe.

54. The girl wears her hair in a fringe.

55. One of the fringe benefits is free meals.

56. Work stinks, but the fringe benefits are great.

57. Your company has very generous fringe benefit policies.

58. She kept brushing her fringe off her forehead.

59. A fringe of trees stood round the pool.

60. 12 synonyms for Crazed: mad, crazy, raving, insane, lunatic, demented, unbalanced, deranged, berserk

61. He was like a lunatic reigning in a madhouse over an imaginary kingdom.

62. This is due to the capillary fringe (Water table).

63. Alligators don't have that fringe on their hind leg.

64. The Backlash has moved beyond the angry fringe

65. The environment is no longer a fringe issue.

66. This lunatic in a white van pulled out right in front of me!

67. 18 Moreover it was filled with a sort of exaltation, a lunatic intensity.

68. Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one. George Orwell 

69. She has her hair pulled forward in a fringe.

70. May I ask about the remuneration and fringe benefits?

71. Fringe setae present in Moundthrips Beatificus and Westphalothripides oudardi

72. Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.

73. This man, this "lunatic farmer," doesn't use any pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified seeds.

74. 2) Public Ceilidhs on Burns night, Fringe, Hogmanay, St

75. The course brought a fringe benefit to this man.

76. View handmade custom Chinks with hand-tooling and twisted fringe

77. Would I be associated with certain fringe elements of society?

78. The existing legislation on fringe benefits was to be repealed.

79. It's kind of hard to keep your practice when everyone thinks you're a lunatic.

80. Riders by Lee Indigo Women's Fringe Cuff Boyfriend Jean.