Use "lucre" in a sentence

1. She married a foreigner for mere lucre.

2. He was blinded by the lust of lucre.

3. They practise for lucre black magic, fortune-telling, Cozenage

4. They practice for lucre black magic, fortune-telling, Cozenage

5. She became the perfect amalgam of lacquer, Lycra and lucre.

6. I'm going to write a book for the lucre of gain.

7. He had seen this unlooked-for inheritance simply as a source of lucre.

8. Perhaps because Mumbai stands for lucre, profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness.

9. 1 Samuel 8:3 His sons didn't walk in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took Bribes, and perverted justice

10. Anaptyxis: In phonetics , the involuntary utterance of an auxiliary vowel, especially before r, l, m , and n , in certain positions, as in lucre, able, chasm , etc

11. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a Brawler, not covetous

12. L’associació Model Benenzon de Musicoteràpia a Catalunya és una associació sense ànim de lucre que té com a finalitats el promoure l’ús, el progrés i la divulgació de la musicoteràpia com a eina de millora de la qualitat de vida de les persones i impulsar el Model Benenzon de Musicoteràpia en totes les seves vessants: clínica, preventiva, social, didàctica i educativa.