Use "low taste" in a sentence

1. Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

2. Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. Ambrose Bierce 

3. Inferior in quality or value; tawdry: "Cheapjack moviemaking that feeds on the low taste of the mob" .

4. Cheapjack: 1 adj cheap and shoddy “" Cheapjack moviemakingthat feeds on the low taste of the mob"- Judith Crist” Synonyms: shoddy , tawdry inferior of low or inferior quality n a peddler of inferior goods Type of: hawker , packman , peddler , pedlar , pitchman someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)