Use "lorded" in a sentence

1. What system is this that has also lorded it over the “peoples and crowds and nations and tongues”?

2. Brahmanism, based on caste and gender hierarchy, lorded over other traditions, all of which could be collectively called Shramanism

3. Jealous Peninnah then so lorded it over Hannah and reminded her of her barrenness that the poor woman gave way to weeping and even lost her appetite.

4. They were created in order for the Primarch and the people of Barbarus to take the fight to the monstrous overlords that lorded over the hapless humans of that bleak, inhospitable

5. Chanteys were also used to push back against the tyranny inherent to life aboard the ship, in which a small number of people – usually the captain and his mate – lorded over the rest.

6. Might it not have a hidden Bodeword (=message) of hope to the followers of the old belief? For it doth show the old gods at a low stead, weak, and with their foes uppermost, as we might ween many of the old believers were in the time when the new belief lorded it over them