Use "loosened" in a sentence

1. Grover loosened his belt a notch.

2. Has it been fucked with or loosened?

3. 25 Congress has loosened the restrictions on immigration.

4. He loosened his tie with his free hand.

5. The recollection loosened a throng of benumbed sensations.

6. Then the loosened masonry began to tumble again.

7. 27 When his grip loosened she eased herself away.

8. Carter took off his jacket and loosened his tie.

9. Wedding planners Anticipate loosened restrictions for ceremonies and receptions

10. 10 The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened.

11. I'd loosened the reins while Celeste consumed my every moment.

12. In some way the emerald became loosened from the chain.

13. 28 Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free.

14. On the home front morality loosened its corsets and belts too.

15. Zeal for a cause dissolved his timidity and loosened his tongue.

16. The debacle in Russia loosened the French grip on the German princes.

17. He thrust his hand between a sheaf of loosened papers and crackled them.

18. Yeah, I think all this jumping around on rooftops has loosened his marbles.

19. Thus the corset was never loosened or removed, but tightened more and more.

20. But she loosened her hair i'the casement! His face burnt like a brand.

21. 18 synonyms for Baggy: loose, hanging, slack, loosened, bulging, not fitting, sagging, sloppy, floppy

22. Dental implant and method for preventing abutment screw of dental implant from being loosened

23. He regained his sight after treatment with ointment, which eventually loosened the glue.

24. Culley waited for the spasm to pass, and loosened his hold a fraction.

25. Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields.

26. The rough, outer layer is also loosened by this process and is scraped off.

27. Powers popped his canopy, loosened his harness and was ejected by the centrifugal force.

28. Third, the rein was only loosened when a real threat to Jerusalem's security emerged.

29. Maxim shut the door behind them then fixed the loosened bolt saddle firmly with Superglue.

30. 19 The hubbub of voices crescendoed, loosened by the coffee and plates of Auguste's delicacies.

31. Replacement of a loosened acetabular cup attended by massive bone defects involving both columns.

32. The political connections that earned Goldman the sobriquet Government Sachs have been loosened by the crisis.

33. The course of events harmonized with the Anticlerical views of Talleyrand, and he gradually loosened the …

34. I smoothed out my necktie and tightened my loosened suspenders and patted down my red hair.

35. Segmental acetabular bone defects involving both columns (Paprosky type 3A, 3B) with loosened acetabular cup or a Girdlestone situation.

36. 28 It's juice running down chins, fingers instead of forks, plates licked squeaky clean and belts loosened around waists.

37. Richard first noticed me from across the street as he loosened his grip on the lamppost.

38. New cultural and political spaces have been opened up, and hegemonic racial identities and structures have been loosened.

39. Yes, officer, a perfectly strange woman came up and clobbered me with a Backhander that loosened a tooth.

40. Nowadays beer is generally available in private restaurants that have become more common since government control on the economy has loosened.

41. The loosened gravel and gold would then pass over sluices, with the gold settling to the bottom where it was collected.

42. The stored material is loosened and potential product bridges are broken up by targeted shots of compressed air.

43. China has loosened its currency controls in a move that may spur gains in the value of the yuan .

44. It would just loosen its borders as Mulhoiland loosened his silk cravat and wrap itself around the San Fernando Valley.

45. But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other's hands slide over the loosened coils.

46. In the latter part of the 1990s, government policies were loosened to combat the Asian economic crisis by encouraging foreign investment.

47. In March, Japan loosened its guidelines, lifting a two-week limit on the growth of human-animal chimeras and allowing the transplantation of Chimeric …

48. The decorations shone on the walls and I loosened the buttons of my tunic and slipped my tie down a few inches.

49. Brake Bleeder screws, once loosened, are designed to release air and brake fluid out at the top when brake pressure is applied

50. Plaque busters Now the danger was a possible fractured spine or loosened Bridgework as the truck bounced from one hole to the next.

51. But presently the crowd loosened into smaller groups and a good many people went off into the village or set off for outlying farms.

52. Cinched-Front Tunic Very comfortable and lightweight! Cinching can be tightened or loosened as desired and is on the side as much as the front

53. Is evil to withstand evil disinclined to partial loosened the small fox of that huge pant, the beginning washed body because small fox, and that disgustingly dirty clown.

54. 27 Reese looked stunning as usual in a white satin period dress, while Rob kept it classy and casual in a white button up and loosened bowtie.

55. Squatting or kneeling in teams of two, they loosened the dirt, then carefully positioned pint-size pepper plants so their sneaker-clad classmates could tamp them down.

56. In the United Kingdom, the not-for-profit group MSI Reproductive Choices performed some 16,750 Abortions through telemedicine alone in 2020 after the government loosened restrictions on the practice.

57. Voice tone changes as the throat muscles tighten or relax, just as the tone of a guitar string or a violin string changes when it is tightened or loosened.

58. He asked a young busboy to help him. The boy took the bottle, turned his back momentarily and loosened the cap without difficulty. Then he tightened it again.

59. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Breadlines at grocery stores due to a 75-person capacity limit, the Governor has loosened the restriction to 25% capacity at grocery stores and big-box stores.

60. The anchors were cut away, and before the foresail was hoisted, the lashings were loosened, freeing the rudder oars to aid the sailors in directing the ship toward the beach. —Ac 27:40.

61. Our resolve to live up to our dedication can be weakened and our grip on the “plow” loosened if we compromise our spiritual values. —Luke 9:62; Philippians 4:8.

62. Champerty is no longer a crime, and its strictures have been substantially loosened over time, recognizing that a bona fide business arrangement that did not “stir up” litigation was not

63. When a sufficient lump of earth has accumulated , she stops digging , turns around and pushes with her head the loosened lump of mud out to the surface of the ground .

64. Rejoining the Paris Agreement is a significant step by the Biden administration to reverse the climate policies of the last four years, during which Trump rolled back or loosened many of the

65. The fall of Hosni Mubarak not only left Iran with one enemy fewer; it also loosened Egypt's control of the Sinai Peninsula — the preferred route for smuggling arms into the Gaza Strip.

66. In the darkness he loosened his sheath knife and taking all the strain of the fish on his left shoulder he leaned back and cut the line against the wood of the gunwale.

67. When policy was being loosened, there was a surge in capital flows to emerging markets, which helped some countries finance their current account deficits while generating upward pressure on the currencies of other countries.

68. (1Sa 18:4; 2Sa 20:8) Whereas a loosened girdle denoted leisure (1Ki 20:11), girding up the loins or hips indicated readiness for action or battle. —Ex 12:11; 1Ki 18:46; 1Pe 1:13, ftn.

69. Nuts (50) fitted to the bolts (30) are assembled to the nut-receiving portions (20) after adjusting the lengths of the bolts (30) to be assembled to the nut-receiving portions (20), thereby preventing the turnbuckle from being loosened.

70. Basilect 0 points 1 point 2 points 27 days ago Yeah, and I'm more planning this on the prospective few months between vaccine distribution and a return to the office (in July) when presumably a lot of isolation requirements would have been loosened.

71. The present invention relates to a podiatric brace for surrounding and protecting the foot of a patient, specifically a stroke patient, and, more particularly, to a podiatric brace having improved support performance and wearing comfort, configured such that, when a cover for surrounding a foot is worn or removed, an elastic spring for fixing the cover can be wound or unwound through a one-touch operation; the foot top or Achilles tendon, which moves frequently during walking, is surrounded by a cover made of flexible material, which is soft and comfortable; and the loosened elastic spring can be pulled easily and loosened additionally, thereby facilitating wearing and removing.

72. A coupler made of a flexibly bendable material is coupled to a bolt and a nut through a protruding part and a groove, and the protruding part or the groove is formed at both sides of each of the bolt and the nut such that the bolt and the nut are not loosened without intentionally applying great force.

73. A bacchanal is a crazed party with drunken revelry, ecstatic sexual experimentation, and wild music. In a nutshell, it is "sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll." Bacchus was the Roman god of wine, which loosened the chains of social restraints; and so, the name of Bacchantes’ hedonistic, pleasure-filled gatherings were named Bacchanals.