Use "long-standing" in a sentence

1. Chrysalis silk big fight long - standing.

2. These are long- standing examples of legal remixing.

3. This is referred to as long standing limiting illness.

4. Bengal Bouts is one of Notre Dame’s long standing traditions

5. Ex Ancien long-standing one-time erstwhile olden longstanding onetime

6. Urbanization is a long-standing but flourishing and fadeless topic.

7. 21 Familial enterprises are of long standing and well established.

8. Byroad Chiropractic has been a long standing community member in Lewisville

9. This violates Galilean invariance, a long-standing cornerstone of classical mechanics.

10. 10 Urbanization is a long-standing but flourishing and fadeless topic.

11. The bonds between the two countries are long-standing and rich.

12. A long-standing economic agreement underpins a close relationship with India.

13. The Vestavia Belles have a long-standing tradition in our beautiful city

14. COVID-19 could become long-standing disease that Coexists with humans—expert

15. Banners are one of the world’s most long-standing and versatile signage solutions

16. A long-standing illness, disability or infirmity was reported by almost a quarter.

17. So why would Nathan get involved and risk spoiling their long-standing friendship?

18. The killing was the result of a long-standing vendetta over gambling profits.

19. 5 Provide for catharsis - release of interdepartmental or interpersonal conflicts of long standing.

20. The Movement reiterates its long-standing position regarding the absolute validity of multilateralism.

21. A long-standing territorial dispute led to the invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

22. India and Tunisia are already long-standing partners in the field of phosphatic fertilizers.

23. This is the latest act of terrorism in a long-standing and bloody Campaign …

24. Bogucki was born to a family with long-standing traditions in theatre and stage.

25. The Aotearoa Section is a long-standing theme in World of WearableArt Awards history

26. Long-standing museum collections are liable to find their status redefined as perspectives lengthen.

27. But as the long - standing binary system exists, the development process faces frequent resistance.

28. Today the Bucolic beauty of the region hides a deeply entrenched and long-standing poverty

29. Long-standing need to have adequate search capabilities in all United Nations official languages addressed

30. New dangerous hotbeds of tensions are arising in addition to already existing long-standing conflicts.

31. Members of Acetones have a long standing love affair with Jamaican music and its offshoots

32. Angevin are a long standing Roofing & Property Maintenance Company: Based in Bexhill East Sussex

33. One long-standing allegation of satanic elements in masonry, however, still awaits a satisfactory answer.

34. The law doesn't distinguish between an isolated lustful incident and a serious long-standing affair.

35. Angevin is a long-standing roofing & property maintenance company based in Bexhill, East Sussex

36. First, respondents are asked if they have any long standing illness,(Sentencedict) disability or infirmity.

37. The basophilic variety is less common, and is Confined to long-standing severe myelogenous leukemia

38. The film traces how long-standing Blackfoot traditions are still a part of modern celebrations

39. Anyways is a long standing pub for me to go when I'm in the area

40. As a long-standing and often acerbic critic of federal budgets, let me switch gears completely

41. • In order to address long-standing accommodation problems, short- and long-term infrastructure plans were developed.

42. Peering into the past points us to a partnership of long standing: politics and the military.

43. Vietnam’s long standing public administration reforms has unfortunately not been able to deliver much tangible results.

44. Bendee Farming is a long standing family farming business with dryland cropping and cattle near Emerald,

45. These are the opposing forces at the center of the long-standing Devas vs Asuras conflict

46. Advance has a long standing tradition of being the name in quality and reliable lighting components

47. Crematoria The vast majority of the early municipal Crematoria were built within existing, long-standing cemeteries

48. Strong focus on Biped humanoid robots stems from a long-standing desire for human-like robots

49. Birchbark serves as a resource for the Newfoundland breed, and is a Newfoundland member of long-standing

50. Geographic proximity, ancient trade ties, and cultural affinities, continue to sustain and nurture our long standing friendship.

51. These have long-standing investments in this fishery and have developed it by accepting more restrictive regulations.

52. The stability of autarchy , is in accordance with the long - standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system.

53. To achieve this long-standing policy objective, government policy has focused on two areas: advertising and distribution.

54. In this respect Hirschi shared the long-standing positivist rejection of the central tenet of classicism: deterrence.

55. - Multiple reading groups, including the long-standing Couth Buzzard Book Club and Buzzard Whodunit Mystery Book Club

56. He dropped out of the eighth grade, but before that he was a truant of long standing.

57. This attitude is long-standing and transcends party lines, having more to do with incumbency than partisanship.

58. Both countries have a long-standing tradition of pegged exchange rate regimes, dating back to the 1960s.

59. 27 This is the latest act of terrorism in a long-standing and bloody campaign of violence.

60. At times, people break off long-standing friendships because they find it too hard to extend forgiveness.

61. Indeed, perhaps inimical to ours, in view of the hostility of such long standing between man and rat.

62. Carpaccio ristorante a long standing, family owned and operated restaurant that provides diners with a warm, relaxed atmosphere

63. This new policy statement reaffirms our long-standing commitment to ensuring peaceful access to and use of space.

64. 12 synonyms for Besetting: chronic, persistent, long-standing, prevalent, habitual, ingrained, deep-seated, incurable, deep-rooted, inveterate, incorrigible

65. Aircraft knowledge is thus combined with the long-standing expertise of SITA France in sorting and processing waste.

66. There was a long-standing tradition of professionalism, which centred around jockeys and pugilists for the most part.

67. The Besch sing-a-longs are a long-standing tradition in the family, now enjoyed by four generations

68. These relatively favourable inflation developments should be seen against the background of long-standing pegged exchange rate regimes.

69. Clients enjoy the benefits of our extensive experience and long standing expertise in the field of public finance.

70. Nelson, in Timor-Leste, cast aside long-standing animosity and made a close friend of a former enemy.

71. The students' problems are often of long standing, and it may take a long time to break through.

72. Acoustic transmission through Aberrating or reflecting layers has been a long-standing issue in medical ultrasounds and nondestructive evaluation

73. For example, Mieroslawski decided to abolish the long-standing toll on the Mannheim-Ludwigshaven bridge over the Rhine River.

74. Suppose your long-standing business partner is not a fellow Christian and does not always adhere to Bible principles.

75. 8 Newcastle ace Dyer aggravated a long-standing shin problem in Saturday's 1-0 home defeat to Manchester City.

76. According to a long-standing theory, the origin of Chordates may be found in transformed larvae of sea-squirts

77. The EU has a long-standing commitment to the promotion of core labour standards and social development more generally.

78. If there are long-standing secret faults, try hard to eradicate them lest they clog up your figurative arteries.

79. As national leader AAA Elite Limousines contributes its unrivalled expertise and long-standing competitive advantages to its specialist activities.

80. A possible committal to prison on account of her long-standing beliefs did not frighten her in the least.