Use "long odds" in a sentence

1. Sometimes an outsider will win at long odds, but not often.

2. She is, by long odds, the most intelligent and Bemusing of women.

3. 25 The LORD can give the enemy long odds and yet vanquish him.

4. That raid was famous at the time and further popularized after the war by the book and movie "The Dambusters." "Chastise" is a tense and insightful retelling of the mission, executed by an incredibly young but dedicated group of pilots and air crew against long odds.

5. Defining Abolitionism as "a determined minority set out, in the face of long odds, to rid the world of what it regards as a patent and entrenched evil," Delbanco argues that it is "a persistent impulse in American life," (3) and that, as a part of human nature, "we have not seen the last of …