Use "locule" in a sentence

1. Carpel and locule number (Figure 9.30) are important characters in angiosperm systematics

2. But the ovary in Picramnia has (sometimes 2), usually 3 to 4 locules and there are always two ovules in each locule.

3. Anthers typically consist of two compartments called thecae (singular theca), with each theca containing two microsporangia (the fusion product of which is a locule)

4. Anthers typically consist of two compartments called thecae (singular theca), with each theca containing two microsporangia (the fusion product of which is a locule)

5. Superior, 3-5-Carpellary, axile placentation, ovules 1-2 in each locule, pendulous, anatropous; style 3-5, slender (beak-like) ovary terminating into beaked structure at the apex, stigma ligulate, (rarely capitate)

6. Anthers (Figure 9.26) are discrete pollen containing units, found in the stamens of the great majority of angiosperms. Anthers typically consist of two compartments called thecae (singular theca), with each theca containing two microsporangia (the fusion product of which is a locule)