Use "lobus hepatis sinister" in a sentence

1. Viral hepatis, HELLP syndrome.

2. 29 The main surgical methods are change of side lobus, glandulae thyroideae, excision of thyroid isthmus and excision of the whole side lobus glandulae thyroideae.

3. Alisporivr for treatment of hepatis c virus infection

4. You in the mood for hepatis a or c?

5. Synonyms for Bastardies include illegitimacies, bars sinister, spuriousness, bastardism, illegitimations, batons sinister, bends sinister, deceptions, deceptiveness and sophistries

6. The girls all got Hepatis, I bought a Jaguar.

7. lay a sinister criminal enterprise.

8. They concocted a sinister plot.

9. So, I've never seen a case of peliosis hepatis before.

10. Peliosis hepatis is a rare hepatic disorder involving “bloody cysts” in the liver.

11. What an evil and sinister thing!

12. A fine needle biopsy revealed the histological diagnosis of peliosis hepatis.

13. What is so sinister about that?

14. I found his silence rather sinister.

15. There 's something more sinister here .

16. There is another, more sinister, possibility.

17. This can all seem very sinister.

18. Cirrhosis hepatis could not be observed in any of the family members.

19. Rupture and loss of the perisinusoidal reticulin fibres lead to peliosis hepatis.

20. The most sinister event has just occurred.

21. His reply was couched in sinister terms .

22. If You're Feeling Sinister received critical acclaim.

23. The ruined house had a sinister appearance.

24. The only relevant differential diagnosis in this case is the equally rare peliosis hepatis.

25. He looked at me in a sinister way.

26. Or maybe there was a more sinister reason.

27. However, peliosis hepatis may present as hepatic dysfunction or shock from hepatic rupture.

28. There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.

29. Glyph of Sinister Strike: Chance increased to 50 %.

30. The commentary reconciles the omen’s two Apodoses, one unfavorable and the other favorable, by specifying that the favorable apodosis corresponds to the placement of the “paths” on the right area of the lobus sinister (implying that the unfavorable apodosis refers to the opposite situation, i.e., when the “paths” are on the left).

31. I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.

32. 3 synonyms for Bastardy: illegitimacy, bar sinister, illegitimacy

33. I suspected that he had some sinister designs.

34. There is a sinister side to these events.

35. 10 He was a sinister and crafty speculator.

36. There's a sinister - looking crack in the roof.

37. There was something cold and sinister about him.

38. There was a sinister fascination in his strangeness.

39. By making me lose a bet to your ex and scrub hepatis-ridden toilets?

40. Sinister, Baleful, malign mean seriously threatening evil or disaster

41. I always think there's something sinister about that expression.

42. One speaker today called the plan diabolical and sinister.

43. Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.

44. The storm outside gave the room a sinister aspect.

45. It has a daunting and sinister turn of speed.

46. In your remarks you allude to certain sinister developments.

47. In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development.

48. He had a bad eye, fixed, with a sinister pallor.

49. She had a sinister foreboding that the plane would crash.

50. Sinister plots, large-scale crimes, it's what I live for.

51. The Devil had a malicious attitude and a sinister objective.

52. In your remarks you alluded to a certain sinister design.

53. 7 Another sinister plot; another twist of the federal ratchet.

54. There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing.

55. Consider the sinister, theatrical laugh of the matinee bad guy.

56. But those glimmering eyes can also be prying, even sinister.

57. 312 male chronic alcoholists without clinical symptons of cirrhosis hepatis are inoculated with heat-killed typhus-paratyphus bacilli.

58. The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister.

59. The First Couple looks sleazy and careless but not necessarily sinister.

60. There is a greater, more sinister, side effect of using Balefire

61. He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.

62. 27 Abstract:Objective To explore the development regularity of nitire oxide synthase(NOS) positive neurons in the lobus frontalis of the cerebrum of human fetus.

63. Dave sensed that something more sinister lay beneath the woman's cheerful exterior.

64. Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent illegitimacy from succession to the throne.

65. Well, why can't we impute the same sinister mentality to the deceased?

66. Peliosis hepatis usually appears as a rare autopsy finding in asymptomatic patients or in patients with chronic wasting diseases.

67. They've got those black sinister eyes and those spots on their body.

68. There is something sinister at the back of that series of crimes.

69. Crave is beautifully descriptive with amazing pacing and wonderfully sinister settings."

70. Abducted is a dark mafia romance in the Sinister Fairy Tales Collection

71. He wore sinister rimless spectacles, and had the potential to become frightening.

72. In cases of complete biliary atresia, bile is drained from the liver in the hepatic lymph at the porta hepatis.

73. We needn't assume that there was a sinister motive for what she did.

74. Gallstone colics occurred more often with gallbladder- and porta hepatis carcinoma than with common bile tract- and duodenal papilla carcinoma.

75. Their presence was all the more sinister amidst the approaching thunder of anticlericalism.

76. Omally craned his neck above the crowd and peered towards the sinister contrivance.

77. 13 Their riders were helmeted and sinister behind dark goggles and black leather.

78. Therefore, the level of transection of the fibrous tissue at the porta hepatis is of prime importance for successful hepatic portoenterostomy.

79. Then discuss the information in chapter 6 under the subheading “A Sinister Plot.”

80. The sinister atmosphere of the place left an indelible imprint on my memory.