Use "lobbying" in a sentence

1. C., in a coordinated lobbying effort.

2. They are actively lobbying against the bill.

3. John is lobbying some members of the legislature.

4. They are Actively lobbying for the bill

5. They are actively lobbying for the bill.

6. They are lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.

7. Gun control advocates are lobbying hard for new laws.

8. There should be a targeted plan for lobbying committee leadership.

9. Women's groups are lobbying to get more public money for children.

10. The president's lobbying on behalf of his programme was uneven and spasmodic.

11. Paz also became active in lobbying for farmworkers' rights in New York State.

12. Activism uses direct (and continued) actions, such as protests, lawsuits, lobbying, petitions, and strikes

13. And who really believes that there is no lobbying problem at the Capitol?

14. Birthright is interdenominational and is not involved in any political activities, or lobbying

15. Father Peter Vaghi was lobbying behind the scenes to have himself named pastor.

16. Synonyms for Clamouring include demanding, baying, calling, lobbying, pressing, pushing, asking, begging, campaigning and appealing

17. Then you see the massive lobbying efforts by those who simultaneously are contributing mightily.

18. There is a danger too that campaigning or lobbying activities fit uneasily with service delivery.

19. ComEd ‘Shadow Lobbying’ Portfolio Filled With Clouted Contractors, Hires By Dave McKinney, Tony Arnold

20. Coligny was lobbying the king to intervene against the empire in the Netherlands. • Frieda, 292.

21. Selling the American national interest short, countless other corporations abjectly do Beijing's lobbying in Congress.

22. Lobbying by countries threatened by Islamist ideas and plots in Britain could also shift the inertia.

23. Synonyms for Crusading include campaigning, fighting, pushing, battling, struggling, working, agitating, lobbying, pressing and striving

24. Information, advice and consultancy services in connection with political lobbying and the drafting of legislation

25. It may take a few years yet, and some unlikely cohesion in banks' own lobbying.

26. ALEC's web site says the council is a lobbying group that advances free markets and limited government.

27. When developer Peter Makaus applied for a zoning change, area residents began lobbying to save the wash.

28. Their lobbying efforts well, first to deregulate, and then to have taxpayers pay for the cleanup.

29. But conservative lobbying and fears of a voter backlash have prompted the government to crack down.

30. Borror Public Affairs is an Indiana lobbying firm specializing in legislative advocacy, government affairs, and association management

31. Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions and lobbying expenditures by biotechnology interests more than doubled during this time.

32. The changed stance, which follows intense lobbying by the banks, will be criticised by hardline reformers.

33. Quentel are bustling with a dozen lawyers handling a roster of some three dozen corporate lobbying clients.

34. The National Association of Broadcasters continued to reduce its lobbying expenditures for a sixth consecutive year in 2020

35. It is impossible to understand the reality of modern lobbying by looking for an explicit quid pro quo.

36. But they face opposition from a lobbying powerhouse of credit card companies, banks, auto companies and retail chains.

37. As well, SOCAN is active in lobbying for effective reform of copyright law, broadcasting regulations and cultural policy.

38. Political lobbying services, namely, promoting the interests of travel agents and tour operators in the field of politics

39. Capitalizing on Conflict › COVID-19 Lobbying › 2020 Gender and Race Report › Personal Finances of the 116th › Citizens United › Women's Influence in 2020 › 'Shadow lobbying' in Trump's Washington › State of Money in Politics › Gender Report: Women Candidates › 2017 Shadow Lobbyists › Congress Wealth › McCutcheon v

40. (2005) Ethics and Lobbying Issues Committee (LRC)(1991) Exactions Committee (LRC)(1993) Executive Budget Act Revisions, Jt Comm

41. See comprehensive 50-state Campaign contributions, independent spending, and lobbying details for candidates, political parties and ballot measures at

42. Together Marc Aprea and Chris Micheli built Aprea & Micheli into one of the top lobbying firms in California

43. 24 If he does — and Taiwan is lobbying hard and expensively to dissuade him — that may further unsettle America.

44. The successful lobbying for deregulation of the electricity supply in California has had Baleful consequences that hardly merit repeating.

45. Forms of Corruption vary, but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.

46. Lobbying efforts over the next several years failed due to growing sectionalism in Congress, but the idea remained a potent one.

47. We emphasize that, in the model, both groups decide simultaneously whether to lobby, so that Counteractive lobbying is an equilibrium result.

48. She has spent much of the last year lobbying Congress against bills that would intrude upon wilderness areas in her state.

49. Parke doesn't deny it, noting a shift from protesting outside bases towards well-mannered lobbying in the corridors of power.

50. See comprehensive 50-state campaign Contributions, independent spending, and lobbying details for candidates, political parties and ballot measures at

51. Wright said lobbying to keep red tape and regulatory cost to a minimum for local companies will be a priority.

52. In the past many decisions depended more on hunch and lobbying than hard evidence about the educational consequences of funding allocations.

53. Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies is a bipartisan lobbying firm that offers comprehensive government solutions at the federal, state, and local level

54. No pressure group within the medical profession is lobbying for the right to save men's lives by regularly examining the prostate.

55. After intense lobbying of Congress, the bill creating Redwood National Park was signed by President Lyndon Johnson on October 2, 1968.

56. The Boatsmen's League is a powerful lobbying group that represents various captains, ship owners, and businesses that ply the waters of the Talabec

57. Lobbying for government interest has meant the centralization of the process of decision-making in science in existing national policy-making institutions.

58. Brittan Bolin, president of Brittan Bolin Consulting, brings over 20 years experience to the vital functions of legislative communications and the lobbying process

59. Derkach says that Burisma Bribed Joe Biden with a $900,000 lobbying lump sum, which the company is disputing solely due to the amount

60. In addition to those meetings, the Republican students work on local and national campaigns and join conservative lobbying groups like the Conservative Political Action Committee.

61. Local black clergy were appalled by the exhibit and demanded Benga’s release, even lobbying the governor to force the zoo to shut down the

62. Counteractive lobbying takes place, and consequently, legislators are less likely to receive misleading information when lobbied by groups from both sides of the issue

63. Automakers have renewed lobbying efforts to weaken federal vehicle standards, and have delayed technology deployment designed to provide consumers with more efficient, cleaner vehicles in every

64. Aside from raising awareness and lobbying Congress to strike down the provision, a handful of activists have also convinced their schools to set Aside money in …

65. If we weaken now, we open the floodgates to lobbying from industry across the board, and our leadership role on climate change will be seriously undermined.

66. The mining industry's federal lobbying output remained significant in 200 although its expenditure total, about $26 million, proved to be slightly off its record level the year prior.

67. Using data from the Center for Responsive Politics, Politico recently reported that the entertainment companies and other SOPA allies spent $280 million over 2010 and 2011 on lobbying.

68. After Napoleon's defeat in 1814, Murat reached an agreement with Austria and was allowed to retain the throne of Naples, despite the lobbying efforts of Ferdinand and his supporters.

69. 29 Cargill is lobbying regulators for an amendment to the European Sweeteners Directive so that manufacturers using erythritol as a sweetener would not have to put laxative warnings on packs.

70. We citizens would, I'm sure, have been forced to purchase insurance from the very same insurance companies that spread out a largess of nearly $170m lobbying dollars to Congress in 200

71. In 1765 after lobbying by Collinson and Benjamin Franklin in London, George III rewarded Bartram a pension of £50 per year as King's Botanist for North America, a post he held until his death.

72. After lobbying by students and teachers at a Louisville middle school, the Kentucky State Legislature designated the Brachiopod Kentucky state fossil on July 15, 1986 with the passage of Act 488, Section 1.

73. ‘Backscratching politics’ ‘As a comprehensive report on media lobbying by the Center for Public Integrity demonstrates, when it comes to mutual Backscratching, the primates in the National Zoo have nothing over the networks and Congress.’

74. Together with the representatives of Member States in Kampala, the Commission is in permanent political dialogue with the Ugandan authorities and is constantly lobbying for the implementation of the Nairobi peace agreement and the amnesty law.

75. The hope is that more displays of impatience for inter-Korean cooperation, combined with vigorous lobbying in Washington — including the Attritive tactic of repeatedly petitioning the White House and Senate to exempt Kaesong in particular — can help speed up things.

76. The academic Thomas Alured Faunce has argued the World Trade Organization non-violation nullification of benefits claims, particularly when inserted in bilateral trade agreements, can facilitate intense lobbying by industry which can result in effective regulatory capture of large areas of governmental policy.

77. They're all duking it out to pass legislation, and the fights that are the closest are when you have one set of corporate interests against another set of corporate interests, and they're financially equally matched in terms of campaign contributions and lobbying.

78. In recent years, amidst growing congestion problems and increased awareness of unsustainable methods of transport in Melbourne, there has been massive local council lobbying (by Melbourne, Yarra and Manningham) and public pressure placed on the State Government for the rail line to be constructed.

79. Our mission is to provide professional lobbying and governmental representation, efficient communication and effective recruiting, education and training for Kansas Broadcasters, and to promote free over-the-air broadcasting for the purpose of enhancing the success of Kansas Broadcasters and helping them better serve the people …

80. We have seen this time and time again with respect to such ministers as Dupuy and Collenette, and former minister Doug Young who, as we all know, used all kinds of despicable adjectives when speaking of senators on this side, and of people in the lobbying business