Use "live ammunition" in a sentence

1. Do not fire live ammunition.

2. They issued live ammunition to the troops.

3. Troops fired live ammunition to disperse the crowd.

4. They trained in the jungle using live ammunition.

5. 1 Police used live ammunition to quell the disturbances.

6. Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation.

7. It is also unacceptable that the police should have used live ammunition against the agents provocateurs.

8. Every American base in the world is Alerted and every serviceman is being issued live ammunition

9. A number of cases documented by OHCHR indicate that IDF often use live ammunition against unarmed Palestinians.

10. In many cases, the Armed Forces denied shooting at demonstrators with live ammunition, contrary to claims by the Brotherhood, its supporters, and several Western media outlets.

11. Most shooting training systems are performed in such a manner that a trainee aims at a fixed target and shoots live ammunition at the fixed target so as to merely measure the level of accuracy.

12. (2) The Union strongly condemned the violent repression, including through the use of live ammunition, of peaceful protest in various locations across Syria resulting in the death of several demonstrators, wounded persons and arbitrary detentions, and called on the Syrian security forces to exercise restraint instead of repression.