Use "lithologic" in a sentence

1. A Bathymetrically DISPLACED FAUNA lithologic intervals are recognizable

2. Amphibolite: Geologic age: Cambrian/Late Proterozoic: Lithologic constituents: Major Metamorphic > Amphibolite (Amphibolite) Amphibolite - equigranular, massive to well foliated

3. State: Colorado: Name: Gravels and Alluviums: Geologic age: Quaternary: Lithologic constituents: Major Unconsolidated (Alluvial) Unconsolidated > Coarse-detrital > Gravel (Alluvial) References:

4. The northwestern Cascades structural province can be interpreted as an accretionary complex comprising fault-bounded blocks of pre-Tertiary metamorphic rocks of diverse age and lithologic type.

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6. The sequence of lithologic units within the Alligator Back formation southeast of the Bowens Creek fault is the same as that proposed by Brown (1951; 1958), and Espenshade (1954) for the formations in the Evington Group, that are structurally above the Candler Formation.