Use "literals" in a sentence

1. Generally, both terms, Constants and literals are used interchangeably

2. The 3 [ three ] and 7 [ seven ] and 1 [ one ]... these are numerical literals.

3. must be string literals, each up to 64 bytes (not characters) long.

4. See Boolean Literals, as well as the IS operator for testing values against a Boolean

5. Approximate-value numeric literals are represented in scientific notation with a mantissa and exponent.

6. Text literals are sequences of alphanumeric characters in the program code that are enclosed in quotation marks.

7. The new version has better support for IPv6, and handles hexadecimal literals in the IPv6 address.

8. Autarkies are partial truth assignments that satisfy all clauses having literals in the assigned variables

9. Examples include programming languages that permit non-ASCII bytes in string literals but not at the start of the file.

10. Text literals are sequences of alphanumeric characters in the source code of an ABAP program enclosed in single quotation marks.

11. Autarkies (or autark assignments) are partial truth assignments that satisfy all clauses having literals in the assigned variables [27]

12. ' Adate = #February 12, 1969 00:00:00# ' Date literals must be in the format #m/d/yyyy# or they are invalid

13. Available symbols are: SDL Abstract Data Types (ADT) support basic data types such as INTEGER, REAL, CHARSTRING as well as structured ones such as structures (STRUCT), enumerated (LITERALS), constants (SYNONYMS).

14. In Boolean logic, a formula is in Conjunctive normal form (CNF) or clausal normal form if it is a conjunction of one or more clauses, where a clause is a disjunction of literals; otherwise put, it is a product of sums or an AND of ORs.As a canonical normal form, it is useful in automated theorem proving and circuit theory.