Use "listener" in a sentence

1. Comprehensibility relates to listener effort; how easily can the listener arrive …

2. He's... he's an amazingly good listener.

3. An antonym for Conversationalist is listener

4. It leaves the listener feeling sickly.

5. Ancient Faith Radio is almost entirely listener-supported

6. A really good listener who has infinite patience.

7. I'm a regular listener to her show.

8. To the listener, such music is incoherent and formless.

9. Unlike her husband, Abigail was a good listener

10. The load Balancer can present multiple certificates through the same secure listener, which enables it to support multiple secure websites using a single secure listener

11. Rooster Crowings for The Listener of the House

12. Several people talking at once distract a listener.

13. She prides herself on being a good listener.

14. The alert listener will have noticed the error.

15. The wise man is always a good listener

16. Every flatterer lives at the expense of his listener.

17. Tester (108) presents exaggerated sound (120B) to the listener.

18. To the listener, this music is incoherent and formless.

19. Music can induce a meditative state in the listener.

20. He is my confident , a great soother and listener.

21. This Binocular don't have native Target's Audio Listener, was removed

22. Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane.

23. Never having been ill himself, he wasn't a sympathetic listener.

24. Is the listener likely to embark on an energetic program of improvement?

25. And her listener feels both protective and irritated by turns.

26. They raised $6000 through listener donations, and then called it quits.

27. Coarticulation reflects a crucial equilibrium between speaker efficiency and listener comprehension

28. Above all, strive to be a good listener and show understanding.

29. Deronda resents being cast in the role of listener and mentor.

30. 10 And her listener feels both protective and irritated by turns.

31. Aganice also presents the listener with a somewhat non-conventional line up

32. Fence mending is what she is best at; she's a wonderful listener.

33. To listener Glenn Gargas, the report was as stale as moldy bread.

34. Accuradio does not sell listener information to third parties at this time

35. She's prompt, a good listener, and she drinks chai lattes with agave.

36. Songs are as sad as the listener. Jonathan Safran Foer 

37. Although she is on her party's left, centrist Democrats find her a good listener.

38. The interviewer becomes an active listener, building up a rapport with the informant.

39. In radio you have to keep the listener listening. That's the bottom line.

40. Classical 89 is a nonprofit, listener-supported station provided by Brigham Young University.

41. Interpreting any piece of music is a dialogue between composer – work – artist – listener.

42. Being a good listener, not interrupting, being uncritical—all communicate regard, affection, prizing.”

43. His amiability condemns him to being a constant listener to other people's troubles.

44. Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's current affairs programme with expert panels and listener participation

45. A Christian husband may need to work hard at becoming a better listener.

46. Acetones create an atmosphere to lure even the most unsuspecting listener onto the dancefloor.

47. Baiza is an excellent physician, a great listener, very knowledgeable, warm, friendly and personable

48. Alternatively, they may indicate yes or no while a listener scans through possible options.

49. Bambino's interpretations are an explosion of strength and passion and never leave the listener indifferent

50. Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's current affairs programme with expert panels and listener participation

51. Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's current affairs programme with expert panels and listener participation

52. Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's current affairs programme with expert panels and listener participation

53. It takes at least two people to engage in gossip—a speaker and a listener.

54. When giving counsel, cushion your words with kindness, allowing the listener to keep his dignity.

55. Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) is a component of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) suite.

56. But a listener named Phillip Ghee has another thought about how to control pigeon populations.

57. If you can be a sympathetic listener, it may put your own problems in perspective.

58. Antonyms for Blabber include sense, straight talk, fact, silence, diction, articulation, enunciation, annunciation, pronunciation and listener

59. Object, body, color and sound anecdote give rise to plays of perception that envelope the listener.

60. The gifts that wisdom bestows upon its listener are more precious than gold, silver, or corals.

61. Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener.

62. I felt it politic to keep my peace and play the part of the attentive listener.

63. Bask Letter to the listener: Progressive; heavy; psychedelic; americana, have all been used to describe Bask

64. Attender definition: someone who listens attentively synonyms: hearer, auditor, beholder, listener, observer, eavesdropper, percipient, perceiver, audience

65. (Psalm 101:5) Even if it was done secretly, to just one listener, slander was wrong.

66. 28 Ultimately Black Mamba Serums strikes the listener as oddly anachronistic, but in a good way.

67. (James 1:19) A good listener listens not only with the ears but also with the heart.

68. 5 Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener.

69. And a perceptive listener will come to see the malice and will think less of the slanderer.

70. 5 Make it your goal to share a verse or two from the Bible with every listener.

71. Acrasias ultimate ethos is to bring the listener an air of vibrant color, energy and above all positivity

72. Dancin' With Them That Brung Me is one of those independent gems that the listener must find

73. 23 It was their starting-point that was often illogical or arbitrary and threw the listener into confusion.

74. In the slow passages Cziffra's deep, brooding tone can hold the listener as enthralled as his legendary virtuosity.

75. This is because both assist a reader or listener to relate individual events and pieces of information into an organised framework.

76. To the innocent listener the form must be imperceptible, and bewildering in its lightning succession of perpetually fugitive events.

77. Connotations A connotation gives the reader or listener a distinct impression or feeling, calling on emotion rather than fact

78. Ambisonics is a surround sound technique covering the horizontal plane as well as regions above and below the listener

79. One faithful elder sincerely tried to help a depressed sister who was badly in need of a good listener.

80. It was played with panache and authority, well controlled throughout yet with poetic feeling; very satisfying to the listener.