Use "lion dance" in a sentence

1. The Shishimai of Komiya Lion Dance (Town Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Asset) The Lion dance is performed with two people.

2. White elephant lion dance dance alone most of the Department of Fuyang Lvmao text lions.

3. Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the big drum rolled and the cymbals Clanged in the school hall accompaying the lion dance perfomance.The lions started

4. The lion dance is a traditional dance in Chinese culture in which performers in lion costumes mimic a lion's movements, often with musical accompaniment from cymbals, drums and gongs.

5. He shared about what it was like growing up in the 1980s as a human Beatbox, his beginnings (of Beatboxing and vocally emulating Chinese lion dance drums and cymbals), God, perseverance, what is coming up, […]