Use "lingula of mandible" in a sentence

1. Lingula is a genus of Brachiopods within the class Lingulata

2. Britishhood Mandible ventrally straight

3. Osteoporosis screening using radiographic absorptiometry of the mandible

4. Core Crown Reconstruction of Resident Crown of First Molar of Mandible.

5. The examination of the temporomandibular joint (the Articulations between the mandible and the skull) evidenced that the skull and mandible refer to two distinct individuals

6. Today, students may learn about Brachiopods in biology class by studying one of living representatives Lingula

7. Origin Buccinator ridge of mandible, alveolar process of maxilla, pterygomandibular ligament

8. The shape of the skull, the anterior nasal spine, the mandible.

9. The position relation between mandible and maxilla or cranioaural.

10. Impacted anterior teeth due to a small mandible.

11. The mandible is a favourite subject for Hall.

12. Origin Buccinator ridge of mandible, alveolar process of maxilla, pterygomandibular ligament

13. However, the mandible morphology reveals more about their dietary resources.

14. The breakage of the mandible differentiates at least four groups of predator.

15. Mandible of the suboral Avicularium semicircular or spatulate, but never acute.

16. Burstones veritical, maxilla-mandible, dental planes and angles

17. Vole mandible from Westbury deposits showing the results of insitu break down of the bone.

18. What mix of selective forces and developmental constraints moulded the mandible, honed the teeth?

19. Certain characteristic structural elements of sledges show a remarkable formal analogy to the ramus of mandible.

20. The mandibular Condyle is a rounded projection at the end of the lower jaw, or mandible

21. A partial resection of the maxilla and the mandible on both sides was performed in sano.

22. 13 Objective : To build a three - dimensional finite element model of temporomandibular joint and the mandible.

23. 4 Coordinate of landmarks in maxilla and mandible were calculated and correlative factor analysis was performed.

24. Because of mandible particularity on configuration and function, functional reparation is still a difficult problem.

25. In a subsequent long measurement, the momentary position of the mandible (yellow cross) is portrayed.

26. 2 The position relation between mandible and maxilla or cranioaural.

27. 7 The mandible or maxilla or the part of the face covering these bones.

28. After 48-55 months of weathering, the bones of the skull and mandible were still little altered.

29. Unilateral and bilateral mesialization of the second molars led to retrusion in the maxilla and mandible [(∆incl.

30. Dental Articulator a device that simulates movements of the temporomandibular joints or mandible, used in dentistry

31. Conclusion It's practical to utilize human mandible as the model to measure retentive force of clasps.

32. 5 Conclusion The development of maxilla and mandible is coordinated in individual with normal occlusion.

33. In some species, there is a notch or 'tooth' in the upper mandible.

34. The beak is black, and in winter the lower mandible is sometimes pale.

35. Summary In Germany several million nerve block anesthesias in the mandible are given per year.

36. 1913: David Waterston concludes that the sample is an ape mandible and a human skull.

37. Objective To assess the effectiveness and reliability of free flap transfer for treating the advanced osteoradionecrosis(ORN)of mandible.

38. Many hornbill species have "Casques", decorative growths on the upper mandible of the bill

39. The mandible was slender and delicate at the front, but deep at the back.

40. The other end attached to a bony spot on the mandible, or lower jaw.

41. TANAKA:There is a contact wound inferior to the mandible, exiting slightly anterior to the Bregma point

42. In our case study, the inferior alveolar nerve was involved in the mandible.

43. The first Branchial arch (Meckel's) cartilage is the position of the future mandible, as well as the

44. The temporomandibular joints (each of us has two) connect the lower jaw, or mandible, to the skull.

45. The Buccinator is a thin quadrilateral muscle occupying the interval between the maxilla and mandible

46. Nasalis) are attached to the long hairs beneath the mandible and chin.Nose Botfly eggs (G

47. Further imaging showed an extensive neoplasm of the mandible and adjacent soft tissues and significant supraclavicular lymph node enlargement.

48. Deer mandible chewed by small rodents showing the elongated and parallel sided double grooves characteristic of rodent gnawing.

49. They are seeking to have westernized face, high profile nose, slender nice cheekbone, and mandible bone.

50. The discovery of the Mauer 1 mandible shows that ancient humans were present in Germany at least 600,000 years ago.

51. (Nuchal-Type Fibroma, NCI Thesaurus) A well Circumscribed lesion of the bone, most frequently arising from the posterior mandible

52. Tracing these teeth to their source resulted in the recovery of more teeth and a rather complete large mandible.

53. The Culmen is the dorsal ridge of the upper mandible. Likened by ornithologist Elliott Coues to the ridge line of a roof, it is the "highest middle lengthwise line of the bill" and runs from the point where the upper mandible emerges from the forehead's feathers to its tip.

54. After extraction of the upper or lower first molars on both sides, we noted in 9% (absolute) a forward displacement of the mandible.

55. All extant cephalopods have a two-part Beak, or rostrum, situated in the buccal mass and surrounded by the muscular head appendages.The dorsal (upper) mandible fits into the ventral (lower) mandible and together they function in a scissor-like fashion

56. Failure of union of one of these embryonic Clefts; depending on the site, this causes such developmental defects as Cleft cheek, Cleft mandible, or Cleft lip.

57. Note the smaller width of the mandible relative to the maxilla, so that the Alveolae in the maxilla are visible

58. The highly varied morphology of these vestigial structures, and the diverse array of Avicularian types—adventitious, interzooidal, vicarious, and vibracular—and of mandible morphologies (Fig

59. Condyle was said to be fractured when fracture line started from sigmoid notch and extended to posterior border of ramus above angle of mandible

60. The increased width of the mandible in ramus/Condyle region may indicate that there is an associated fracture in the anterior mandibular arch

61. Uh, the slightly raised ridge across the central surface of the pubis, plus the anteriorly-positioned mandible tell me the victim is female.

62. 30 Results 50 patients underwent this operation and had a very good rejuvenescent facelift effect of pars buccalis, lower mandible and labial commissure.

63. The alveolar process height of the maxilla showed a highly significant mean growth increment of 1.61 mm, the alveolar process height of the mandible of 1.36 mm.

64. The devices are mainly anchored to the teeth and lead the mandible to a more forward and open position.

65. Alveolary gingival İlgili Terimler alveolar bone A ridge on the surface of a teeth-bearing bone, such as maxilla and mandible in humans, that contains the tooth sockets alveolar bones plural form of alveolar bone alveolar ridge a ridge that forms the borders of the maxilla and the mandible and contains the alveoli of the teeth alveolar margin

66. 9 Objective:It summarized nursing measures for patients with oral cavity soft tissue defect accepting hemisection of mandible treated with trapezius osseous myocutaneous flap reparation.

67. Alveolar bone is that part of the maxilla and mandible which supports the teeth by forming the “other” attachment for fibres of the periodontal ligament (Fig

68. The Buccinator muscle is a muscle of facial expression located in the cheek, between the maxilla and mandible, and functions chiefly as a muscle of mastication.

69. Bruxism is defined as repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterized by clenching or grinding of the teeth and/or by bracing or thrusting of the mandible [ 1,2 ]

70. Baseplate A temporary foundation for establishing relationships between the mandible and maxilla and teeth, which is used to construct dentures

71. Distraction surgery started in the mandible and was continued in the maxilla and the craniofacial region. Alveolar ridge distraction followed.

72. In amphibian: Annotated classification Clade Batrachia †Family Albanerpetodonidae (albanerpetodontids)Middle Jurassic to Lower Miocene. A peg and socket syphyseal articulation of the mandible

73. The African forest elephant has a longer and narrower mandible, rounder ears, a different number of toenails, straighter and downward tusks, and considerably smaller size.

74. In the mandible, 2 implants may be sufficient in the interforaminal region for anchorage, in the maxilla the insertion of at least4 implants is indicated.

75. Avicularium definition is - a small prehensile process resembling a bird's head with a movable mandible found on many bryozoans.

76. However, the activator can, even in adults, produce a true shortening of the lateral pterygoid muscle and, in this way, cause a more forward positioning of the mandible.

77. The cases included, pulpitis needed operation, or the teeth needed extraction, in which the teeth were located in the maxilla or front part of the mandible.

78. The Avicularium can move as a whole by means of special muscles, and its chitinous lower jaw or “mandible” can be opened and closed

79. Lozenge face frontal bone two side are narrower, zygomatic wider, cheekbone tubercle is outstanding, mandible bone caves, leave mental tip and grow.

80. The chin support is adapted to be disposed under the mandible responsive to the patient interface device being donned by a user.