Use "linguists" in a sentence

1. The War Office advertised for linguists.

2. It is characteristic of theoretical linguists that they select example sentences that computational linguists would categorise as pathological.

3. Linguists explore the nuances of language.

4. This highly regarded quarterly offers university and industry linguists, Computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech

5. Three linguists from McGill University were consulted.

6. Linguists feel that the Athabaskan language family is one

7. Findings may be useful for cognitive scientists, theoretical linguists, computational linguists, developmental psychologists, educators, educational therapists, clinical scientists, parents and policymakers.

8. Nicaraguan Sign Language is also of particular interest to linguists.

9. He repeatedly sought the advice of other linguists and scholars.

10. As soon as they met, the linguists started to talk shop.

11. For computational linguists the over-riding concern is their practical use.

12. Our associates are specialists in e-recruitment, computer programmers and computational linguists.

13. Alternations provide linguists with data that allow them to determine the allophones and

14. Linguists are studying the asymmetric use of Creole by parents and children .

15. The majority of linguists in the early twentieth century refrained from making estimates.

16. His theories were often controversial, and some have been deprecated by later linguists.

17. Linguists interested in X-bar theory causally link zero Articles to nouns lacking a determiner

18. Linguists and cognitive scientists have been exploring this question for many years now.

19. Many linguists suggest that the future facing us is bilingual or even trilingual.

20. Linguists are increasingly concerned to avoid dogmatism and prescription over what constitutes 'correct' English.

21. Many linguists believe that Aymara is related to its more widely-spoken neighbor, Quechua

22. WHY DID SO MANY LINGUISTS and psychologists object strongly to the abandonment of phonics?

23. ETHNONYM: Vedic Indians, now usually known to linguists as Indo-Aryan or Indo-Iranian

24. Linguists estimate that the Aleut language separated from the earlier Eskimo languages 4,000 years ago

25. 24 The Prague linguists' approach explains it in terms of reversing the theme-rheme sequence.

26. Hence statistical processing of language is once more an important technique used by computational linguists.

27. Some hobbyist linguists have even parsed the multiple spellings into computer code and a handy chart.

28. Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.

29. Altaic is a disputed language family, but only a few linguists still believe that it existed

30. There are also five nasal vowels, which some linguists regard as allophones of the oral vowels.

31. A quarter of Africom's staff is meant to be made up of linguists, historians and other specialists.

32. 4 As one of the anaphoric devices , English reflexive pronouns have long captured the imagination of linguists.

33. It took many years for linguists and sociolinguists to devise ways of getting the best of both worlds.

34. In some cases it is not easy for linguists to distinguish between a language and a dialect.

35. Some linguists have claimed that these lexical suffixes provide only adverbial or adjectival notions to verbs. Other linguists disagree arguing that they may additionally be syntactic arguments just as free nouns are and thus equating lexical suffixes with incorporated nouns.

36. There are about 200 or 300 people who come, some of the best known linguists in the United States.

37. Although it has been largely ignored by linguists and language activists, this is the language of choice among the younger generation.

38. Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description.

39. Working in close collaboration with various international researchers and linguists Taj organized first Kalasha Orthography Conference 2000 in Islamabad, Pakistan.

40. But we contacted linguists and speech pathologists to glean more about the mechanisms that might be behind the mix-up.

41. Linguists estimate that the oldest layers of Min dialects diverged from the rest of Chinese around the time of the Han dynasty.

42. Acholi Language: The tongue spoken by the Acholi people is termed Acholi language, however, many linguists call it a dialect

43. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question And answer site for linguists, etymologists, And serious English language enthusiasts

44. Linguists and Braille experts in Mali have translated the country’s most widely spoken African language, Bambara, into Braille for the country's blind

45. The linguist Joseph Greenberg included Mayan in his highly controversial Amerind hypothesis, which is rejected by most historical linguists as unsupported by available evidence.

46. The Basilect is the variety that is the most divergent from the local standard speech.) The consensus among linguists is that Ebonics is an American English dialect…

47. Though linguists have associated the Barbacoan languages with the Chibchan languages in the past, today they are believed to be distinct and comprise a language family of their own

48. There are also a number of verbal endings added to the infinitive to form the stative and are regarded by some linguists as a "fourth" set of personal pronouns.

49. The term “Altaic” is commonly applied by linguists to a number of language families, spread across Central Asia and the Far East, that share a significant number of structural and morphemic similarities

50. It resulted from a series of what linguists call elision, or leaving out sounds.So, in colloquial Black English, all right became Aight [ah-ahyt], which was further shortened to ight

51. While this is now acknowledged by many linguists, we show that (further), when reflexive Anaphors in these languages are morphologically complex, they still contain a pronominal element which obeys Principle B.

52. Tajiki, which is considered by some linguists to be a Persian dialect influenced by Russian and the Turkic languages of Central Asia, is written with the Cyrillic script in Tajikistan (see Tajik alphabet).

53. When languages have inventories as small and allophonic variation as great as in Pirahã and Rotokas, different linguists may have very different ideas as to the nature of their phonological systems.

54. GNMT did not create its own universal interlingua but rather aimed at commonality found in between many languages, considered to be of more interest to psychologists and linguists than to computer scientists.

55. Altaic (not comparable) Of or pertaining to a grouping of languages (formerly proposed to be a language family , now generally considered a sprachbund by linguists) that includes the Turkic languages (e.g

56. Changed Considerablyover the past thirtyyears, the contentofstructuralsyl­ labuses still generally reflects the preoccupation of linguists, especially con­ trastivists of the 1950sand 1960sand other 'traditional,descriptive'gram­ marians in the 1970sand 1980s, with …

57. The new Biologism is part of a larger ‘Darwinian turn’, in the light of which linguists (among others) are now frequently urged to re-examine their assumptions about the nature and behaviour of human beings

58. 14 The life of slang is now shorter than ever, say linguists, and what was once a reliable code for identifying members of an in-group or subculture is losing some of its magic.

59. Three Types of Antonyms "Linguists identify three types of antonymy: (1) Gradable Antonyms, which operate on a continuum: (very) big, (very) small.Such pairs often occur in binomial phrases with and: (blow) hot and cold, (search) high and low

60. This site is run by a small, but devoted group of linguists and language geeks who want to re-present English (Anglish) as it once was before the Norman invasion of 1066 flooded the language with a plethora of Latin and French words

61. We must distinguish it clearly from other forms of gradation which developed later, such as Germanic umlaut (man/men, goose/geese, long/length, think/thought) or the results of English word-stress patterns (man/woman, photograph/photography). Confusingly, in some contexts, the terms 'ablaut', 'vowel gradation', 'apophony' and 'vowel alternation' may be heard used synonymously, especially in synchronic comparisons, but historical linguists prefer to keep 'ablaut' for the specific Indo-European phenomenon, which is the meaning intended by the linguists who first coined the word.

62. Each of the Anachronisms is a word, phrase, artifact, or other concept that critics, historians, archaeologists, or linguists believe did not exist in the Americas during the time period in which the Book of Mormon claims to have been written

63. Yes, “Brouhaha” is a real word, meaning “fuss,” “argument” or “ruckus.” “Brouhaha” comes to English directly from French, where it originally meant “noisy chattering.” It is probably what linguists call an “echoic” or “imitative” word, the “haha” in particular imitating the sound of …

64. The verb Curate first appeared some time later in the 19th century, an example of what linguists sometimes refer to as back-formation (a process in which a shorter word is formed from a longer word that already exists in the language).

65. After its secession from Yugoslavia, the Bosnian government declared the official language to be called "Bosnian" rather than "Serbo-Croatian." Although "Croatian," "Serbian," and Montenegrin are considered by linguists and travellers alike to be the same language, with minor idiomatic differences, Bosnian is seen as a separate entity in modern times.

66. California English (or Californian English) collectively refers to varieties of American English native to California.A distinctive vowel shift was only first noted by linguists in the 1980s in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California, helping to define an accent emerging primarily among youthful, white, urban, coastal speakers, first popularly associated with

67. The Aymara language does have one surviving relative, spoken by a small, isolated group of about 1000 people far to the north in the mountains inland from Lima in Central Peru (in and around the village of Tupe, Yauyos province, Lima department). This language, known as Jaqaru/Kawki, is of the same family as Aymara, indeed some linguists refer to it as 'Central Aymara', alongside the main 'Southern Aymara' branch of the family spoken in the Titicaca region.