Use "limping" in a sentence

1. “Limping” —How?

2. Few associate America with limping productivity.

3. Why are you limping?

4. John, the Limping Man.

5. He was limping rather badly.

6. The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.

7. Previously he had been seen limping.

8. That dog must be hurt he's limping.

9. He was about 30 and was limping.

10. She's no longer limping, but she's now alone.

11. He went away, limping dot and go one.

12. The team is limping along in fifth place.

13. Elijah said that they were “limping upon two different opinions.”

14. They were limping along instead of running in a purposeful manner.

15. She had twisted her ankle and was limping.

16. Such a limping bag of bones as she was!

17. The prince nodded, limping slowly into the corridor mouth.

18. Still, those Israelites were “limping between two different opinions.”

19. 17 The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.

20. He had hurt his leg and was limping badly.

21. The government was limping along in its usual way.

22. “How long,” he asks, “will you be limping upon two different opinions?

23. Elijah said: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

24. + They kept limping around the altar that they had made.

25. It's when limping little chickenbutt second bananas think they're hot stuff.

26. 10 What did Elijah mean by the expression “limping upon two different opinions”?

27. She meets a coke head drifter named Glenda and a limping cowboy named Eddie.

28. Was he limping, were they deciding to send out a runner?

29. The Baal prophets began “limping around the altar that they had made.”

30. “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?” —1 KINGS 18:21.

31. Sheetal starts limping again and Arnav helps her leaving Khushi Amused in the living room

32. Finally, Old Xu came out, limping. He seemed to be in pain.

33. What did Elijah mean by the expression “limping upon two different opinions”?

34. In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources.

35. First she started limping; then she needed a cane, then a walker, then a wheelchair.

36. Limping to Plymouth for repairs soon thereafter, the ship remained there until November 1943.

37. It was a shock to see him shuffling into the room like an aging prizefighter, limping, beaten. "

38. I noticed that one of the horses was limping, and called for the vet.

39. Then Elijah addressed the crowd: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

40. Limping across the courtyard he was noticed by the sentry who promptly raised a hue and cry.

41. How were Elijah’s people “limping upon two different opinions,” and what basic truth had they forgotten?

42. Elijah approached the people and said: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

43. After limping along for almost two years, the economy is starting to show signs of recovery.

44. When he returned, he was limping from the beating he had received during the interrogation.

45. So those Israelites were “limping” along like a man trying to follow two pathways at once.

46. Such comfort as do lusty young men feel When well-Appareled April on the heel Of limping winter treads

47. She looked sideways at him; the ruined cheek was away from her, and this morning he was hardly limping.

48. The Cataphract is arrowless and throws the bow aside, limping in pain for one final attack.

49. Twice in the morning he left the field, limping and in pain after twisting his knee.

50. 11 So those Israelites were “limping” along like a man trying to follow two pathways at once.

51. [Middle English boistres, variant of Boistous, rude, rough, perhaps from Old French boisteus, lame, limping, from boiste, knee joint

52. As those people thronged, Elijah approached them and spoke: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

53. As those people thronged together, Elijah approached them and spoke: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

54. Jess abandoned all idea of water and ran out along the path and through the gateway with Salt limping behind.

55. With the aid of a silver-mounted walking stick, she was limping; yet her body was still very straight.

56. She seemed to be limping very slightly, something he had failed to notice when they walked to school together.

57. There were kids tussling on rafts of planks and plastic drums; couples in rowing boats; powerboats limping, out of charge.

58. The same use of the word “limping” is found at 1 Kings 18:26 to describe the dance of the Baal prophets.

59. Getting to the root of their problem, Elijah asked the people: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?”

60. All the minions in the outer office take their eyes off their VDUs, and follow my limping progress up the room.

61. 10 All the minions in the outer office take their eyes off their VDUs, and follow my limping progress up the room.

62. Years later, the prophet Elijah urged the people to make a similar choice: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

63. Developmental Coxa vara is the disease type that emerged early in childhood and causes hip pain and limping, caused by a leg length discrepancy

64. Recall Elijah’s words to the Baal worshippers and the apostate Israelites at Mount Carmel: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?

65. The toxic leadership of Lakes state's deputy governor Men are Abrasively stroking their beards at the kgoro, where their minds are already limping-- [exhausted].

66. Look, he starts coming here, the other kids find out, he becomes a target, like that limping gazelle at the watering hole that the alligator knows to eat.

67. Those who try to follow such a course are “limping upon two different opinions” —serving Jehovah to a certain extent but also loving the world and the things in the world— and can easily capsize spiritually.

68. I was embarrassed when the minicab dropped us off in front of the estate, and tried to keep my distance from this ruined, limping skeleton as we went inside and up the stairs.

69. (Matthew 10:28-33; 13:20-22; Luke 12:22-31; 21:34-36) Instead of ‘limping on two opinions,’ as it were, such ones should “be zealous and repent” by taking decisive action to carry out their dedication to God. —Revelation 3:15-19.

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