Use "lilacs" in a sentence

1. Lilacs come before the roses.

2. Lilacs perfumed the air.

3. The lilacs are in bloom.

4. These lilacs are freshly picked.

5. Lilacs grew against the side wall.

6. Pretty soon the lilacs would be in bloom.

7. The fragrance of lilacs scented the evening air.

8. " No modest, matronly dove grays and lilacs tonight.

9. This is where the lilacs must be.

10. Their own yard is redolent with lilacs.

11. Now, every May, our own yard is redolent with lilacs.

12. 18 He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a river.

13. The price is so high because lilacs are out of season now.

14. Lilacs among some of these hedges add beauty and sweet fragrance to the atmosphere.

15. A deceitful day that makes one think of lilacs and daffodils, before blasting you with another cannonade of winter.

16. When she went to bring in the mail, though, and found the mailbox full of lilacs, her heart flooded.

17. Crocuses came and went, the apple trees exploded, lilacs drenched the air, summer came with its visitors and boarders.

18. A number of plants- Oriental poppies, Anchusas, phlox, lilacs, and more (and dandelions, of course!), can all grow from root cuttings

19. 29 A deceitful day that makes one think of lilacs and daffodils, before blasting you with another cannonade of winter.

20. April is the Cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain-T.S

21. The result was an explosion of more than 50 kinds of wildflowers, including larkspurs, lilacs, orchids, poppies, primroses, sunflowers, and verbenas.

22. The Crinkled sky slyly winked at crumpled fields, dreaming of fragrant lilacs and sturdy daffodils, that would fill the air furrowed with the perfume of cedar and lavender

23. Happily, butterfly Bushes have a longer bloom season than lilacs: From summer into autumn, especially if you pinch off the old flower clusters as they start to fade

24. ‘The bedrooms are linked to the bathrooms, dressing rooms, libraries and Anterooms.’ ‘The anteroom resembled an office replete with a plush couch, several wing-backed chairs and a small desk that prominently displayed a vase filled with purple lilacs.’

25. Secret Garden: Botanical Gardens & Arboretums When in Iowa, you’ll want to be sure you take time to stop and smell the roses… and tulips, lilacs, hydrangeas and more! Visit these gorgeous gardens bursting with annuals, perennials and all kinds of wonderful plants and flowers that you have to see (and smell) to believe.