Use "light-years" in a sentence

1. It is around 7700 light-years away, with a central region about 25 light-years in diameter.

2. You will be light years ahead.

3. of such distances as light years.

4. The Andromeda Galaxy is located about 2,480,000 light-years from Earth, and its diameter is approximately 200,000 light-years.

5. It all seems light years ago now.

6. Betelgeuse is 640 light years from Earth

7. M14 is about 100 light-years across.

8. The distance can be expressed in light-years.

9. It is approximately 47.9 light years from Earth.

10. An advantage of being 1,000 light years from Federation headquarters.

11. The remnant has a radius of over 1.3 light years.

12. A pair of colliding galaxies, billions of light-years away?

13. This design is light years ahead in performance and comfort.

14. Some stars are billions of light- years from our galaxy.

15. On October 8, 2011, the light years came to an end.

16. The new range puts us light years ahead of the competition.

17. The nearest star to earth is about 4 light years away.

18. The Japanese company is light years ahead of its European competitors.

19. The galaxy is about 18 million light years (5.5 megaparsecs) away.

20. The Sombrero galaxy is located some 28 million light - years away .

21. Arcturus is an orange giant star approximately 37 light years from Earth

22. Alpha Apodis is located at around 430 light-years away from us

23. This seems light years away from noblesseoblige and needs widespread public debate.

24. Known by the popular name of the Dumbbell Nebula, the beautifully symmetric interstellar gas cloud is over 5 light-years across and about 200 light-years away in the constellation Vulpecula.

25. Let your imagination run wild to outer space, millions of light years away.

26. I was light years away at the time these alleged crimes took place.

27. Data from the Hipparcos mission placed Achernar at about 144 light-years away

28. Considered 33 years later, that ad was light-years ahead of its time.

29. Seventy-eight light-years to get here our first act is breaking and entering.

30. The nearest such planet may be 12 light-years away, according to the scientists.

31. Based upon parallax measurements, Gamma Tauri is approximately 154 light-years from the Sun.

32. The Milky Way galaxy has been estimated to measure some 100,000 light-years across.

33. She says the French education system is light years ahead of the English one.

34. It has a generic "redshift estimated" distance of 212 million light years from Earth.

35. The main targets will be stars within about 100 light years of the Earth.

36. The 180-billion figure is obtained by adding 15% to 156 billion light-years.

37. The distance from the earth to Omega Centauri is an estimated 17,000 light-years.

38. The Andromeda galaxy is a spiral galaxy 2.5 million light-years from the Milky Way

39. A jet of highly energetic plasma extends out to 1,700 light-years from its center.

40. Tau Ceti is a close neighbour, at a distance of only 12 light-years.

41. NGC 3982 is located about 68 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.

42. Parallax measurements give an estimated distance of 1,100 light-years (320 parsecs) from the Earth.

43. It is 42 light-years away, and over 150 times as luminous as the Sun.

44. The closest is the triple star system Alpha Centauri, which is about 4.4 light-years away.

45. Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth after the Sun, is around 4.2 light-years away.

46. M24 fills a space of significant volume to a depth of 10,000 to 16,000 light-years.

47. A perfect trilogy! Edgar Wright is light-years beyond other directors with his beloved Cornetto Trilogy

48. M4 is a rather loosely concentrated cluster of class IX and measures 75 light years across.

49. Progressive Metal from Boston! Pre-order our new album "The Light Years":

50. Parallax measurements place it at a distance of about 10.74 light-years (3.29 parsecs) from Earth.

51. Aldebaran is an orange giant K5III star, 65 light years away in the constellation of Taurus

52. They are located in the constellation of Andromeda which is only 2.5 million light-years away

53. Beta Apodis is an orange giant 149 ± 2 light-years away, with a magnitude of 4.2

54. The Antlia Dwarf is a spheroidal galaxy located approximately 4.3 million light years from our solar system

55. Altair, at a distance of 17 light-years, is one of the closest of the bright stars.

56. It spans about 000 light-years in diameter, compared to the Milky Way's 000 light-year diameter.

57. Bezek – η Aquilae (Eta Aquilae) Eta Aquilae is a yellow-white supergiant, approximately 1200 light years from Earth

58. The annual parallax shift is 24.55 mas, indicating a separation of around 133 light years from the Sun.

59. Quasars are the furthest active galaxies, some of them being observed at distances 12 billion light years away.

60. A blue - white supergiant and one of the luminous stars known, it is nearly 800 light - years away .

61. It is bluish-white, and 780 times as luminous as the Sun; its distance is 85 light-years.

62. It contains about one million stars and is 4,000 light-years farther away from us than Omega Centauri.

63. Considering its distance of about 49 kpc (160,000 light-years), this is an extremely luminous non-stellar object.

64. Kepler 186b (also known as KOI-571.03) is an exoplanet located around 582 light-years away from Earth.

65. Aldebaran is an orange giant star located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus

66. Place of Origin: These are our galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light years away in the Andromeda Galaxy

67. A flat spiral, some 100, 000 light years across, with pockets of gas, clouds of dust, and about

68. Mirphak is an F5-type giant, 620 light-years away and 6000 times as luminous as the Sun.

69. I shall have travelled away in the flesh from that wretched court - light years away by then, light decades.

70. At present, however, the festivities seem light years away, having been eclipsed by a fiscal crisis of mammoth proportions.

71. 13 We shall be seeing that quantum effects can occur over distances of many metres, or even light years.

72. Maybe Jaq would send the signal for exterminatus - and that command would already have been countermanded, light years away.

73. New album "The Light Years" Out Now! Drums - @jamesplaysdrums Guitar - @samAviations Vocals - @adamwbenjamin Piano - @blumenmusic Bass - @wernererkelens

74. It all happened when I was at college[sentence dictionary], which seems light years away now that I'm over fifty.

75. It is 300 light years away and its brightness is only decreased by 0.003 magnitudes by intervening gas and dust.

76. Located in the constellation of Hercules, about 230 million light-years away, NGC 6052 is a pair of Colliding galaxies

77. Most of the other stars that are visible to the naked eye lie within a few hundred light-years of us.

78. A star's absolute magnitude is how bright it would appear when seen from a distance of 10 parsecs (33 light-years).

79. Achernar, or Alpha Eridani, is located around 144 light-years (ly) from Sol (HIPPARCOS Plx of 22.68, +/- e_Plx of 0.57 mas).

80. Using simple trigonometry, he was able to figure out that the star called 61 Cygni was over ten light-years away!