Use "light wave" in a sentence

1. 5 Electromagnetic wave travels as light wave does.

2. Halogen light-wave to offer powerful permeation of heat.

3. The air between the shells is untroubled by sonic emission or light wave.

4. Birefringence is the “bending” or refraction of a light wave into two different polarized waves

5. The 3rd, light-wave bath house is having more convenient thermoregulation and control equipment, more energy-saving than sauna room.

6. What does Birefringence mean? The resolution or splitting of a light wave into two unequally reflected or transmitted waves by an optically anisotropi

7. Photonic lattices are a kind of minuteness optics dielectric structure which its space measure is on the level of the wavelength of light-wave.

8. 17 Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism.