Use "libels" in a sentence

1. But what constituted "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatic, seditious or scandalous libels"?

2. Synonyms for Asperses include vilifies, disparages, maligns, defames, slanders, slurs, traduces, calumniates, smears and libels

3. Synonyms for Backbites include detracts, knocks, libels, rubbishes, abuses, calumniates, defames, denigrates, disparages and maligns

4. Record Of The Buddhistic Kingdoms: Translated From The Chinese By Herbert A, Observations On The Rights And Duty Of Juries, In Trials For Libels: Together With Remarks On The Origin And Nature Of The Law Of Libels

5. However, all freedoms have outer limits where their use puts others at risk or unfairly libels them

6. The Libellants and Claimants of the Schooner Amistad, her tackle, apparel and furniture, together with her cargo, and the Africans mentioned and described in the several libels and claims, Appellees