Use "levant" in a sentence

1. Crusaders embark for the Levant

2. Accipiter brevipes (II) || || || Levant sparrowhawk

3. 2008 The Acheulian of the Levant 547

4. The Levant is already a far Cry from the cosmopolitan melting pot it once was

5. Alabastra are ubiquitous in the Greek world and frequent in neighboring regions, particularly the Levant and Egypt

6. However, the Court accepted use of a stamp in Le Levant 001 and Others v Commission.

7. Genoese Crusaders brought home a green glass goblet from the Levant, which Genoese long regarded as the Holy Grail.

8. A member of a Semitic people inhabiting since ancient times the Arabian Peninsula and the desert fringes of Mesopotamia and the Levant: after a.d

9. Ancient Canaan encompassed the whole of the Levant between Asia Minor and Egypt and all the inhabitants called themselves Canaanite (kn’ni)

10. INTRODUCTIONA synthesis of processes affecting cultural development during the Late Aceramic Neolithic of the Levant is a very difficult task for a number of reasons

11. According to the results, Canaanite ancestry is a mix of indigenous populations who settled the Levant (the region encompassing much of modern Syria, …

12. During the Roman Liberators' civil war of the 1st Century BC, the Parthians actively supported Brutus and Cassius, invading Syria, and gaining territories in the Levant.

13. The Bedouin, Beduin or Bedu are nomadic Arab tribes who have historically inhabited the desert regions in the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and North Africa

14. Baal - Baal (), properly Baʿal, was a title and honorific meaning "owner," "lord" in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levant during antiquity

15. The Arabians have more ancestry (than Levantines) from Africans, who didn’t mix with Neanderthals, and from Natufians, who were the prehistoric inhabitants of the Levant, including Israel

16. The Ahmarian culture was a Paleolithic archeological industry in Levant dated at 46,000-42,000 BP and thought to be related to Levantine Emiran and younger European Aurignacian cultures.

17. In April of his seventh year, Amenhotep was faced with a major rebellion in Syria by the vassal states of Naharin and dispatched his army to the Levant to suppress it.

18. For over 2000 years Aqaba has been a major port in the northern Red Sea and a gateway for goods, people, and ideas travelling to and from the Levant

19. La Discorde Chez l'Ennemi (1924) Histoire des Troupes du Levant (1931) Written by Major de Gaulle and Major Yvon, with Staff Colonel de Mierry collaborating in the preparation of the final text.

20. Moussaka (/muːˈsɑːkə/, /ˌmuːsəˈkɑː/ or /ˌmuːsɑːˈkɑː/) is an eggplant- (aubergine) or potato-based dish, often including ground meat, in the Levant, Middle East, and Balkans, with many local and regional variations.

21. Akkadian was also used as an international diplomatic language in the Late Bronze Age in an area stretching from modern Turkey to Egypt and from the Levant to modern Iran

22. In June 2014, an armed group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (known as ISIL or ISIS) declared the establishment of a Caliphate and proclaimed its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a Caliph.

23. Akhma, over the northern end of which runs a single easy pass (Beilan) to the north-east angle of the Levant coast (Alexandretta), while at the southern end is a gap through which the Orontes turns sharply to the sea

24. The newly discovered sites can provide a link between the much older Acheulian in Africa and the Levant and the well-known assemblages from the later European Acheulian, enabling a rigorous testing of these hypotheses using modern morphometric methods

25. And, since Ezra Levant was mentioned, let me note that his own attitudes in this respect, and those of his wretched hangers-on, Adumbrate the fate of the disabled under Flanagan's cure-all free enterprise regime

26. Aramaean (plural Aramaeans) Any member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people who lived in the Levant and later also in upper Mesopotamia (Biblical Aram) during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

27. The Beckoning is a phenomenon amongst Kindred of the Ninth Generation or lower, wherein they are compelled to travel to the general area of the Middle East and other regions that supported early human civilization, especially the Levant and the Maghreb

28. Amira Abase, Shamima Begum, and Kadiza Sultana (also referred to as the Bethnal Green trio) are three British girls who attended the Bethnal Green Academy in London before leaving home in February 2015 to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

29. The majority of Arab Americans, around 62%, originate from the region of the Levant, which includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan, although overwhelmingly from Lebanon.The remainder are made up of those from Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Libya, the GCC and other Arab nations.

30. The area referred to as Canaan in the Bible is today known as the southern half of the Levant, a region in the Middle East that is bounded by the Taurus Mountains in the north, the Mediterranean Sea in the west and the north Arabian Desert to the east.

31. The term "Caftan" (from Ottoman Turkish qaftan) is used to refer to a full-length, loosely-fitted garment with long or short sleeves worn by both men and women, primarily in the Levant and North Africa.The garment may be worn with a sash or belt

32. Arabica WAS BORN OUT OF A PASSION FOR THE FOOD OF THE LEVANT - THE SUN-DRENCHED LANDS OF THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN. We’ve travelled extensively through the fertile valleys of Jordan, mountainous villages of Lebanon and vibrant cities of Beirut, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem to procure the finest middle-eastern ingredients.

33. The term Canaanite designates the culture of the region often known as the Levant, roughly comprising the modern entities of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine, beginning with the earliest extensive written records in the third millennium bce and ending with the start of the Hellenistic period in the

34. ‘The Swainson's Hawk is a slender Buteo, similar in length to the Red-tailed Hawk, but with a longer wingspan and weighing about 20% less.’ ‘I saw an Eagle, most likely a Spotted Eagle, a Buteo of some sort, and an accipiter, either a Eurasian Sparrowhawk or a Levant Sparrowhawk.’

35. Vulgare) was one of the first and earliest crops domesticated by humans.Currently, archaeological and genetic evidence indicates Barley is a mosaic crop, developed from several populations in at least five regions: Mesopotamia, the northern and southern Levant, the Syrian desert and, 900–1,800 miles (1,500–3,000 kilometers) to the east, in the …

36. The Commission also submits that the agricultural areas are important hunting grounds for the Levant sparrowhawk (Accipiter brevipes), the long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) and the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo), which are listed as breeding birds on the standard data forms and are expressly mentioned in the assessment of the SPA.

37. Brenda Raby ENG 201 Romania took Ascendency Romania took Ascendency of Bessarabia in April 1918 .The ottoman conglomerate disintegrated , with a lot of its Levant territory awarded to respective Allied major power as associated state .The Turkish heart in Anatolia was reorganised as the democracy of Meleagris gallopavo .The Ottoman Turk conglomerate was to constitute partitioned by the pact of

38. According to the Commission’s submissions concerning alleged losses of territory, this must be assumed to be true, inter alia, in the case of the following species listed in Annex I to the Birds Directive, which also appear on the standard data forms for the two SPAs: the pied wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka), the calandra lark (Melanocorypha calandra), the greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla), the stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), the long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus), the Levant sparrowhawk (Accipiter brevipes) and the European roller (Coracias garrulus).