Use "lev" in a sentence

1. Armageddon (1998) Peter Stormare as Lev Andropov

2. 24:6 Not to lend with interest — Lev.

3. 5:18 Return the robbed object or its value — Lev.

4. Dell'Ariccia, Giovanni, Dalida Kadyrzhanova, Camelia Minoiu, and Lev Ratnovski (2020)

5. Health supplement using dendropanax morbifera lev and method for producing same

6. 25:11 Carry out the laws of sold family properties — Lev.

7. A Blemished priest was unfit to serve in the priesthood (Lev

8. Auditoriot Levón ja Wolff olivat remontissa viime kesän

9. 13:45 Carry out the prescribed rules for purifying the metzora — Lev.

10. 34:26 Not to eat bread from new grain before the Omer — Lev.

11. In addition to the total, recom Bination rates, lev el-sp eci c recom Bination rates and photoionization cross sections are obtained for a large n um b er of atomic lev els

12. Les Anticipations à long terme étaient pratiquement aussi élevées

13. Conjuror Pre-Christian War Metal Spiritus Levàte, released 17 September 2020 1

14. Levetiracetam: Levetiracetam (LEV) is newly developed Anticonvulsants which has been approved for clinical uses

15. 19:21 Rule the laws of human tzara'at as prescribed in the Torah — Lev.

16. The present invention relates to a health supplement using Dendropanax morbifera LEV and a method for producing the same, wherein a sweet potato extract, which is alkaine, is mixed with a Dendropanax morbifera LEV extract, thereby neutralizing the properties of the Dendropanax morbifera LEV, which is acidic, improving a body absorption rate, and exhibiting excellent antioxidant activity.

17. Mosaic legislation never commands or condones plural marriages but rather prohibits polygamy/Concubinage (Lev

18. Lev, why don't you just do humanity a favor and just shut the hell up?

19. Feynman provided a quantum-mechanical explanation for the Soviet physicist Lev Landau's theory of superfluidity.

20. 12:21 Not to slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day — Lev.

21. Well-known Ashers: the main character in Chaim Potok's novel My Name Is Asher Lev.

22. The monastery is depicted on the reverse of the 1 lev banknote, issued in 1999.

23. Une querelle s’était élevée, on entendait leurs voix, par éclats Brusques

24. Tehillim 15:2 (OJB) He that walketh Blamelessly, and worketh tzedek, and speaketh emes from his lev

25. The line, costing around $300 million in 1973, was named after Israeli Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev.

26. Israelites were admonished to make Booths for the celebration of the Feast of Booths (Lev 23:39-43)

27. Les Bougies blanches ont un coût encore plus élevé que celui des jaunes, et elles …

28. Les semelles Billowy sont en gomme, et fabriquées avec une proportion élevée de caoutchouc

29. 21:7 A Kohen must not marry a zonah (a woman who has had a forbidden sexual relationship) — Lev.

30. As a side note, any label that has the phrase LEV (Low Emission Vehicle) in it Conforms to CA standards

31. Confidence lev el means that 95% of positional Accuracies will be equal to or smaller than the reported accuracy value

32. Photo: Assaf Lev Last Sunday, the entrepreneur and model Neta Alchemister and football player Rami Gershon were photographed in their…

33. Animals that “chew the Cud” (also called “ruminating” animals) are mentioned in (Lev 11:3-26) and (Deut 14:6-8).

34. Un Amiral est un officier général de rang élevé dans la plupart des marines militaires

35. La Boite is home to over 80 unique spice blends, plus signature biscuits created by master spice blender Lior Lev Sercarz

36. C’est un pari : je Consommerai plus en volant plus bas, c’est certain, mais ma vitesse propre sera plus élevée

37. Leon Spinks, the former heavyweight Boxing champion, passed away of cancer at age 67 on Saturday according to Jacob Lev of CNN

38. Lev Grossman’s “Codex” is a tale of a young investment banker drawn into a world of medieval scholarship, British nobility, and international skulduggery.

39. "Universalists" such as Albert Einstein (1879–1955) and Lev Landau (1908–1968), who worked in multiple fields of physics, are now very rare.

40. Yliopiston päärakennus Tervahovissa sijaitsevat yliopiston suurimmat Auditoriot Levón, Wolff ja Kurtén sekä muita 16–50 hengen saleja

41. Kolell Lev avos was founded by Balei Batim who realized how important and essential it is to end a long day of work with learning

42. Cette pompe d'Alimentation présente ainsi un rendement particulièrement élevé. A particularly high efficiency for the supply pump can thus be guaranteed.

43. For it is written that the one who disregards it and does not go up is to be cut off from among the people (cf. Lev Num .

44. For instance, the attack on human rights activist Lev Ponomarev last night is the latest reminder of how difficult the situation for human rights defenders is in Russia.

45. There is a point of view, much propagated by Lev Gumilev, that the Horde and Russian polities entered into a defensive alliance against the Teutonic knights and pagan Lithuanians.

46. Brioche tressée, brioche au beurre, au chocolat ou petits Brioches nomades : quelle que soit la recette choisie, cette viennoiserie à pâte levée vous

47. Stop Credulously calling China a 'people's republic' By Lev Tsitrin A word is more than just a neutral label attached to an object; it also carries a time-hardened public attitude.

48. Beeves "(an old English plural of the word beef), a name applicable to" "all ruminating animals except camels, and especially to the" "Bovidce, or horned cattle (Lev

49. Andropov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Martin Ebon, McGraw-Hill Companies, 1983, 284 oldal, ISBN 0-07-018861-0; Lev Kricsevszkij: Andropov May Have Had Jewish Roots

50. La configuration Congruente de la bobine mobile et du diaphragme permet la propagation d'un front d'ondes droit à des fréquences élevées, avec une perte d'énergie relativement faible

51. Des annonces sont Attendues ce jeudi 8 avril au sujet de la levée de certaines restrictions prises dans le cadre de la lutte contre la Covid-19, selon le porte-parole du gouvernement.

52. (See Leviticus 18:18-30 KJV, paying particular attention to Lev 18:27-30 KJV, which refer to "all these Abominations" after various kinds of sexual activities apart from marriage have been mentioned.)

53. S’attendant à la paire de Claques, prélude de la raclée, l’avant-bras déjà presque levé pour la parade habituelle, Camus en demeura un instant muet de stupéfaction

54. L'homme le plus puissant du monde est tranquillement en train de finir son mandat, hawaiien d'origine kényane élevé en Indonésie, Blagueur, chanteur, danseur, sportif et ami des stars, a au moins le m

55. Amnionite histologique a été significativement plus élevé dans les deux groupes avec Amnionite comparés au groupe III (67,7 % dans le groupe I, 56,0 % dans le groupe II, 4,0 % dans le groupe III; P = 0,000)

56. Most of the procedures followed on the Day of Atonement were similar to those followed for the other offerings except that the blood of the sacrifices was sprinkled on the mercy seat in the Most Holy Place as well (Lev

57. In this article, you can find phrases like levällään, ammollaan and sukkasillaan, which consist of a word in the Adessive case (-lla/-llä) and a possessive suffix.In some cases, the possessive suffix is fixed in the third person (e.g

58. Cingulum může být také širší pás látky, který se ovine kolem pasu a oba jeho konce jsou zakončené ozdobnými šňůrkami nebo střapci a visí volně dolů na levém boku

59. Censer [EBD] the vessel in which incense was presented on "the golden altar" before the Lord in the temple ().The priest filled the Censer with live coal from the sacred fire on the altar of burnt-offering, and having carried it into the sanctuary, there threw upon the burning coals the sweet incense (Lev

60. Founded in New York City in 1956 as Lev Zetlin Associates, Thornton Tomasetti has Burgeoned into a premier 500-person organization, responsible for engineering the world's most impressive towers such as the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai 101 and Taipei 101, as well as the restoration of some of the world's most historic buildings and landmarks.

61. More serious sins—those deliberately committed—were Atoned for once a year on the Day of Atonement—Yom Kippur—by the High Priest who would enter the Holy of Holies in the temple and sprinkle the blood of a sacrificed bull and goat on the mercy seat which was on the top of the Ark of the Covenant (Lev

62. The number of gorillas that you report is Appallingly low.: Le nombre de vos gorilles est effroyablement bas: No offence, but you dress Appallingly.: Le prend pas mal, mais tu t'habilles effroyablement.: In Canada the rate of infection, particularly amongst our youth, is Appallingly high.: Au Canada, le taux d'infection, surtout chez les jeunes, est épouvantablement élevé.

63. Ashlaring satin ab nem katonás skid row, track for hauling logs along perjure petto krug rosol Ustrach folded products distante Kosovo (n.) conservateur storage hierachy vaihtovirtageneraattori optimus est qui optime facit lembab nem kézbesített levél ‎Pledged collateral constant storage capacity of water reservoir unsubstantiated, not proven, not demonstrated conclusively Promote/Demote exquisitus …

64. A Biomokat különböző tényezők definiálhatják, mint a növényszerkezet (fák, cserjék vagy fűfélék), levéltípusok (lomb- vagy tűlevelűek), a növények közti távolság (erdő, fás

65. Les Bordures présentent un certain coût (encore plus élevé dans le cas de bordure en granit), et donnent un aspect urbain à la rue.En milieu rural, on peut leur préférer une voirie partagée sans Bordures, avec une seule pente, et un des bas-côté enherbé ou en noue.

66. Les Colzas levés fin septembre ont été affectés par les altises adultes, mais qu’en est-il des larves ? Après plusieurs berlèses , je constate qu’il n’y a pas ou très peu de larves, contrairement aux années passées où mes Colzas à 1,5 kg avant hiver en comptaient en grand nombre.

67. The Board, being Cognisant that systems may be abused, is committed to ensuring that all children, where possible, are brought up in a reasonably secure family environment.: Conscient que des abus sont possibles, l'Office veille à ce que tous les enfants soient, dans la mesure du possible, élevés dans un milieu familial raisonnablement sûr.: The Government is Cognisant that limited

68. Levée si l'on Biffait les mots "soit e"t "soi etn commission prlnoipaless e"t si l'on rejetait à la fin les mots "sou réservs e que ies installation lse permet-tent", le texte comple dtu paragraph étane t alors le suivant ! DECIDE que, lors des Assemblées mondiale dse la Santé, un seul débat

69. 5548 xríō – to Anoint by rubbing or pouring olive oil on someone to represent the flow (empowering) of the Holy Spirit.Anointing (literally) involved rubbing olive oil on the head, etc., especially to present someone as divinely-authorized (appointed by God) to serve as prophet, priest or king, etc.See 1 Ki 19:16; Lev 8:12; Ps 133:2; 1 Sam 10:1, 16:13; 2 Sam 2:4, 5:3.

70. Augury [ISBE] Augury - o'-gu-ri o'-gur-i: This word occurs in the Revised Version (British and American) in Lev 19:26; Dt 18:10,14; 2 Ki 21:6, and the parallel in 2 Ch 33:6.In all these cases the verb "practice Augury" is in the King James Version "to observe times." The verb thus translated is `onen, which means probably to utter a low croaking sound as was done in divining.

71. Le pain Azyme (en grec ancien ἄζυμος / ázumos, á-zumos, qui signifie « sans levain ») est un pain ancien confectionné de céréales comme d'autres, mais il est non levé (il n'a pas gonflé sous l'effet du levain ou de la levure) car il est uniquement constitué d'eau et de farine pétries ensemble.Quand il est sous forme de feuille, on parle de « papier Azyme » ou de « papier

72. Acate (sicilsky Vischiri, italsky do roku 1938 Biscari) je městečko na levém břehu řeky Dirillo v západním výběžku provincie Ragusa na Sicílii ().Město leží na jihovýchodním okraji pohoří Iblei.Od hlavního města provincie (od roku 2015 přejmenované na volné sdružení obcí Ragusa) Ragusy je Acate vzdáleno 34 kilometrů a jeho území sousedí s někdejšími

73. A broméliafélékhez tartoznak a broméliákon (Bromelia spp.) kívül, többek között a lándzsarózsák (Aechmea spp.), az ananászok (Ananas spp.), a bilbergiák (Billbergia spp.), a levélcsillagok (Cryptanthus spp.), a Guzmán-broméliák vagy guzmániák (Guzmania spp.), a Regel-broméliák vagy neorégeliák (Neoregelia spp.), a

74. Lev 18:30 And ye-shall-guarder to-the-ones to-Arrangings-toward-to of-me, unto-which-whither lest ye-might-have-done-unto off o f-a l l o f-t h e-o n e s o f-p a r c e l e e-b e l o n g e d-u n t o o f-t h e-o n e s o f-h a v i n g-h a d-c o m e-t o-b e-a b h o r r e r e d which it-hath-had-come-to-become before o f-t h e-o n e to-ye; and not