Use "letters of administration" in a sentence

1. Petition for Letters of Administration: Petition for Ancillary Letters of Administration: Petition for Letters of Administration (d.b.n.) Administration Proceeding Checklist--Ancillary Administration Proceeding Checklist--Administration d.b.n

2. Notice of Letters of Administration Granted (Independent Administration) To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Bessye LEE LONG, …

3. 7 If a person died intestate the court had power to grant letters of administration of his estate to executors.

4. Can a grant of Letters of Administration to the Administratrices in England enable them to validly commence these proceedings in St

5. Caveat is the name of a notice given by a party having an interest, to some officer, not to do an act, till the party giving the notice shall have been heard; as, a Caveat to the register of wills, or judge of probate, not to permit a will to be proved, or not to grant letters of administration, until the party shall have been heard.

6. Caveat is the name of a notice given by a party having an interest, to some officer, not to do an act, till the party giving the notice shall have been heard; as, a Caveat to the register of wills, or judge of probate, not to permit a will to be proved, or not to grant letters of administration, until the party shall have been heard.