Use "let slip" in a sentence

1. Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition.

2. Please look at the sunshiny sky and wispy cloud, you've definitely let slip a wonderful day!

3. 22 Tight - fisted as he was about spending money ,( Xiangzi let slip no chance of earning it.

4. Blurt something out tell, reveal, give away, cry, exclaim, leak, spill, disclose, come out with, let out, spout (informal), babble, divulge, let slip, blab, utter suddenly Over the food, Richard Blurted out what was on …

5. There are many synonyms of Blurted which include Babble, Betray, Blab, Disclose, Divulge, Exclaim, Jabber, Leak, Reveal, Spout, Come Out With, Let Out, Give Away, Spill The Beans, Let Slip, Run Off At The Mouth, Let On, Cry Out, Burst Out With, Call Out, Let