Use "less hawkish" in a sentence

1. My staff's advice that first day was amazingly hawkish.

2. Why? Central banks sounded hawkish last week.

3. The president is hawkish on foreign policy.

4. The favourite, Shinzo Abe, is more overtly hawkish.

5. Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet.

6. He is one of the most hawkish members of the new cabinet.

7. Problems for exporters largely explain why the ruling politburo backed off a hawkish macroeconomic policy.

8. This hawkish talk did not impress his audience, who reacted with silence.

9. The hawkish Ya'alon took office on the 9 th to replace Mofaz.

10. The agreement will not satisfy the more hawkish member of the cabinet.

11. In New Zealand, RBNZ Governor Bollard speech today had a relatively hawkish tone.

12. But this hawkish consensus, if it ever really existed, appears to have broken down.

13. Israel's hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also opposes the creation of a Palestinian state.

14. Watanabe was known to take a more hawkish line than his predecessors on defence issues.

15. Some recent opinion polls show that a hawkish Abe color thick after Koizumi's support rate.

16. Later in the day, the RBA left interest rates unchanged at 75% as was expected, but the less than usual hawkish tone out of the central bank helped weaken the currency to session lows near 0

17. It also codified a polemical line that has, unexpectedly, become a war horse of hawkish bloggers.

18. On most issues the Bush administration is taking a decidedly hawkish line, most obviously on defence.

19. With inflation still too high, cautious central bankers see scant reason for abandoning their hawkish rhetoric.

20. Mr Rowland is a man in the mould of Vice-President Dan Quayle: young, handsome and hawkish.

21. A hawkish Chinese strategist at the conference was unapologetic, growling that America was "taking the Chinese as the enemy".

22. The president has been sensitive to accusations of dovishness, and he has been eager to prove his hawkish credentials.

23. In this sense and others, Greenberg's is a call for a return to the groupthink and hawkish Conformity of the Bush era.

24. Did it make him less sensitive, less conscientious, less capable, less caring, less able, less tough?

25. The less....the less...

26. For instance , some groups within the CPC favour a more hawkish attitude to India , and others in the government a more conciliatory position .

27. There are many synonyms of Coldish which include Algid, Arctic, Biting, Chill, Chilled, Chilling, Chilly, Frigid, Frosty, Gelid, Hawkish, Nipping, Refreshing, Refrigerated, Shivery, …

28. Less meat, less junk, more plants.

29. Not less dramatic, but less gory.

30. I will become much less easily tired ... much less easily fatigued ... much less easily discouraged ... much less easily depressed.

31. The Saudi government anticipated that the Trump administration would adopt a more hawkish stance than the Obama administration on Iran, which would potentially benefit Riyadh.

32. As it moved upmarket, ICI became progressively less imperial , less chemical and less industrial.

33. I thought it would be less- - less messy.

34. Getting Excellent & Beautiful Results In 1-Pass From Valentini’s Buriers Means Less Hours, Less Wear, and Less Tear On Your Costly Tractor, Which Also Means: Longer Tractor Life, Less Depreciation, Less Fuel Consumption & Less Maintenance!

35. Raising the Yuan against the Dollar will cure the stagflation disease of the skin, but hawkish fiscal and monetary policy will cure the stagflation disease of the heart.

36. 28 Their love-making became less and less frequent.

37. However, rectangular Antechambers are functionally superior, consume less gas, require less pumping down and take less

38. My motto was the less medicine, the less defective.

39. The old games are proving less and less effective.

40. That their parents be less tired and less stressed.

41. But, because Germany and the other northern surplus countries remain hawkish on price stability, real exchange-rate adjustment within the eurozone requires actual wage and price deflation in the distressed southern economies.

42. Bottom line...(the Fed) is not hawkish enough to reverse the negative sentiment toward the dollar and it is not dovish enough to heighten expectations for a resumption of credit easing.

43. 1893 n256 lorillard ancient mythology Burlesqued 13 therpsicore (4) Days Listed Any Less than 1 day Less than 3 days Less than 7 days Less than 14 days Less than 30 days

44. Less Aromatase = less testosterone conversion = more testosterone for your body

45. She's got less and less control over her magic lately.

46. In modern, centrally heated homes, chilblains occur less and less.

47. Less suitable for prescribing Cyanocobalamin is less suitable for prescribing.

48. But does that make the Scriptures less valuable, less important?

49. 11 Bottom line...(the Fed) is not hawkish enough to reverse the negative sentiment toward the dollar and it is not dovish enough to heighten expectations for a resumption of credit easing.

50. Bromine is a great alternative because it’s less abrasive, less chemical-smelling, and less likely to trigger asthma attacks

51. They work for longer hours with less income, less social welfare.

52. 12 Reyntiens' less celebrated, less ambitious collaborative windows are more successful.

53. The less you worry, the less you may grind your teeth.

54. Well, the less demon I was, the less the cuffs worked.

55. But others were both less recent and less amenable to resolution.

56. The less marijuana and cocaine arriving... less the dealers would gain.

57. Less accrued income

58. Shoes for Less.

59. Ever Less Time

60. With Caddis larvae, I’ve had less with the “less is more” Mantra

61. You get more bang for less buck with Blueprint Engines! Show Less

62. The strategy of “Balkanising” the Middle East found favour in the US among a group of hawkish policymakers, known as neoconservatives, who came to prominence during George W Bush’s presidency

63. You know, I'm beginning to like the younger gray less and less.

64. Since less contact area is needed, there is less potential for defects.

65. They will become less sensitive to criticism, less inclined to take offense.

66. Each extra dollar of GDP is buying less and less social progress.

67. 23 The pattern is less clear and less consistent for Latino students.

68. Others claim, ‘The less you know, the less is expected of you.’

69. * National borders should matter less and less for merchandise trade and capital flows.

70. Parboiled rice takes less time to cook and is firmer and less sticky.

71. Too much leisure can lull us into doing less and less meaningful activity.

72. Social loafing Working less hard and being less productive when in a group.

73. Antitussive medications help a person to cough less often and with less intensity

74. Is it actually better than the products of less expensive, less advertised competitors?

75. Capacitor-less memory device

76. Less common, Bacterial infections …

77. Nothing more nothing less.

78. the less the better

79. The more... the less...

80. • Eat less saturated fat.