Use "lesion" in a sentence

1. Vessel deformity, retinal hemorrhage or decollement, optic nerve lesion, or eyeground lesion.

2. Inactive Carious lesion: Carious lesion exhibiting no net mineral loss over a period of time indicating that the lesion is not progressing

3. Distinguishing Adenoma from carcinoma or metastatic lesion (i.e., benign lesion from malignant lesion) is imperative as the management of malignant disease necessitates surgical removal for

4. Clonus test - Upper motor neuron lesion test.

5. A well Circumscribed mass lesion with no microcalcifications or architectural distortions would be more in favour of a benign lesion

6. The records were analyzed concerning age at appearance of lesion, sex, diagnosis (fistula and/or abscess), and anatomic localization of the lesion.

7. An Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin lesion

8. Key Features • Solid mass or discrete lesion of Conjunctiva

9. 1 Her daughter suffered a brain lesion at birth.

10. (Anatomy) of or relating to the mouth; oral: Buccal lesion.

11. 2 What is the hidden lesion that is causing them?

12. 24 Using the bipolar resectoscope, the lesion was removed completely.

13. Bacillary angiomatosis is a vascular proliferative lesion caused by B

14. Means she has a lesion in her left parahippocampal region.

15. Figure T2-weighted axial image once again demonstrates a large, heterogeneous lesion located in the ethmoidal sinus (arrow). The lesion is predominately isointense to grey matter.

16. Key words: skin lesion, cobalt, percutaneous absorption, skin radiocontamination, Franz's cell.

17. In 39 of the 41 patients, the osteochondral lesion—as verified by postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—was accessed, i.e., the drilled hole led to the lesion.

18. The central lesion was completely resorbed and revealed paramacular pigment clumping.

19. Objective To reveal the relationship between aphasia types and lesion distribution.

20. Anastomosing hemangioma is a rare neoplastic vascular lesion, histologically mimicking angiosarcoma

21. The extensor plantar reflex indicates a possible lesion on the brain.

22. Objective: Simulated Analysis of tissues lesion internal - cooled radiofrequency ablation system.

23. The extensor plantar reflex indicates a possible lesion on the brain

24. The seropositive cat had a submandibular lesion consistent with a healing abscess.

25. Therefore, a lesion of the abducens nucleus always leads to a gaze palsy to the ipsilateral side, and a lesion of the MLF to an internuclear ophthalmoplegia (Fig. 5, 7).

26. Hepatic splenosis presenting as Arterialised liver lesion in a patient with NASH

27. Similar to other reports we also identified Dieulafoy's lesion in the duodenum.

28. A giant Comedone is a large lesion with a blackhead-like opening

29. "Anastomosing hemangioma of the genitourinary tract: a lesion mimicking angiosarcoma."

30. The patient underwent a left frontal craniotomy with debulking of the lesion.

31. A clinical difference between tenosynovitis with and without tendon lesion was not found.

32. The primary lesion is generally treated with pituitary surgery or irradiation, or both.

33. I have about 60 people with some kind of blister and lesion outbreak.

34. Infantile haemangiomas may initially exhibit a 'precursor lesion', which appears as a Blanched …

35. Although a relatively common lesion, nodular fasciitis is underreported in the radiology literature.

36. Let me summarize: The rat received a paralyzing lesion of the spinal cord.

37. Meningioangiomatosis is a rare, benign, hamartomatous lesion involving the cerebral cortex and leptomeninges.

38. This significant Astigmatism tends to increase with the increasing size of the lesion

39. SCC commonly presents as Avascularised lesion in interpalpebral area mostly at the limbus

40. Every suspicious lesion in the anal canal and margins must be examined histologically.

41. Matching parameters included age (±3.5 years), sex, cardiovascular risk factor, and lesion anatomy.

42. 23 Histologically, the mass lesion was diagnosed as a dorsally sequestered disc herniation.

43. Lipofibromatosis is a typical soft tissue lesion of childhood which is most likely underdiagnosed.

44. 3 The primary lesion is generally treated with pituitary surgery or irradiation, or both.

45. Bronchogenic cysts, although relatively rare, represent the most common cystic lesion of the mediastinum

46. For example, Adenomas often contain intracellular fat, which lowers the attenuation of the lesion

47. ResultsThe out upper quadrant of the breast was the major position of lesion ( 8 % ) .

48. A Canker sore is a small lesion that develops in the mouth or throat

49. Daphnetin could Ameliorate the severity of skin lesion and improve inflammation status in IMQ …

50. Anastomosing hemangioma is a recently described vascular lesion that occurs predominantly in older adults

51. Device and method for detecting and monitoring a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament

52. A typical result of an upper motor neuron lesion is paralysis of voluntary movement.

53. Cachectic Aphtha A lesion formed beneath the tongue and accompanied by severe constitutional symptoms

54. This therapy is mainly for patients suffering from pains caused by intervertebral disk lesion.

55. Demonstration of Treponema in lesion exudates or tissues by nuclear acid amplification techniques (NAAT)

56. (1) Peripheral nerve lesion generates plastic changes of the afferent and sympathetic postganglionic neurons.

57. Atherom is not dangerous, its benign lesion, which is more esthetic problem than medical

58. 12 Dieulafoy's lesion is a disease of mainly middle aged and elderly male patients.

59. HAGL lesion (humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligaments) with humeral detachment of the glenohumeral ligaments.

60. Conclusion:Local lesion iridectomy could effectively remove the epithelial implantation cysts of iris and the possib...

61. This unique form of breast cancer begins as a weeping eczematoid lesion of the nipple.

62. Accessible: adjective Within reach; referring to a lesion that can be managed by a standard surgical technique, as the lesion is not too deep in the brain or adjacent to vital structures (i.e., inAccessible)

63. Angulating-Distraction Ulnar Osteotomy and Interpositional Phosphocalcic Ceramic Wedge Graft for a Chronic Monteggia Lesion

64. Anal atresia, ruptured omphalocele with lesion of the small intestine made an artificial anus necessary.

65. I will approach the affected area now... with a small cut adjacent to the lesion.

66. Chancre is a lesion typical of infection with the bacterium that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum Chancroid is a lesion typical of infection with the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi Chancres are typically painless, whereas chancroid are typically painful

67. A thyroid Adenoma is a benign lesion on the thyroid that often has no symptoms

68. In fleck corneal dystrophy, the lesion only involved stroma, epithelium and endothelium levels were normal.

69. Urethral Caruncle with atypical stromal cells simulating lymphoma or sarcoma--a distinctive pseudoneoplastic lesion of females

70. A pseudoBulbar palsy is an upper motor neuron lesion of cranial nerves IX, X and XII.

71. At necropsy the lesion in the Abomasum is usually small and involves an abomasal blood vessel

72. This lesion most commonly results from preexisting conduit defects or intimal hyperplasia that develops after Arterialization

73. CT is better than GI and Fibrogastrosco- pyin detecting the lesion, neighbor organ invasion and metastasis.

74. What is an Angioma? Angioma or haemAngioma (American spelling ‘hemAngioma’) describes a benign vascular skin lesion

75. Resorptive Atelectasis is found distal to an obstructive lesion, such as a tumor or mucus plug

76. In March 2010, EGD showed a discrete erosive lesion in the gastric antrum, which was biopsied.

77. 20 Only two small colonic polyps were found in patients who had an upper gastrointestinal lesion.

78. Objective To explore ways and means of preventing and treating functional lesion caused by agkistrodon bite.

79. A Bulbar palsy is a lower motor neuron lesion of cranial nerves IX, X and XII

80. Clonus is involuntary and rhythmic muscle contractions caused by a permanent lesion in descending motor neurons