Use "legally binding" in a sentence

1. 4 The contract wasn't legally binding.

2. 20 The contract wasn't legally binding.

3. 22 The agreement will be legally binding.

4. 5 The agreement will be legally binding.

5. An Auspice agreement is a legally binding contract

6. The Bangladesh Accord is a legally binding agreement.

7. I didn't think pencil would be legally binding.

8. Apportionments, including footnotes, are legally binding on the DoD

9. 24 But the new measures are not legally binding.

10. R, 4.1.1 Name of Legally Binding Document: CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition Name of Standards Organization: International Commission on Illumination LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT

11. 10 The judge said the document was not legally binding.

12. 2 The judge said the document was not legally binding.

13. This constitutes a legally binding agreement between You and Cryptology Requirements

14. This constitutes a legally binding agreement between You and Cryptology Requirements

15. An invalid or canceled contract is not legally binding ab initio.

16. A lease is a legally binding contract between you and a landlord

17. The parent company has issued a legally-binding letter of support to the subsidiary.

18. 14 A document signed abroad is as legally binding as one signed at home.

19. · Legislative action (combination of legally binding & specifying legally non-binding acts) at Euratom level.

20. Legally binding contract effecting insurance or certificates thereof, including all clauses, riders, endorsements and renewals.

21. It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty.

22. Member States shall adopt all measures of national law necessary to implement legally binding Union acts.

23. 11 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty.

24. Member States shall adopt all measures of national law necessary to implement legally binding Union acts

25. Although the Court's advisory opinion is not legally binding, all relevant parties should give it serious consideration

26. It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms an integral part of the treaty.

27. It is true that, with some exceptions, those opinions are not in and of themselves legally binding.

28. Janzen offers something besides going to court: mediation and arbitration services that are just as legally binding.

29. Countersigned Proforma Invoices, Sales Contracts and Purchase Orders represent a legally binding agreement between the buyer and seller

30. Countersigned Proforma Invoices, Sales Contracts and Purchase Orders represent a legally binding agreement between the buyer and seller

31. For transit and trans-shipment transactions and brokering activities, parameters related to legally binding international obligations should apply.

32. a legally binding agreement, where there are joint controllers; a list of processors and activities carried out by processors;

33. In response to a query, the secretariat clarified that the Regional Action Framework, if endorsed, would not be legally binding.

34. The option of no EU action together with alternatives to legally binding legislation (self- and co-regulation) is routinely examined.

35. We must take care this time, then, that codes of conduct are absolutely clear and legally binding on all parties.

36. The Treaty makes the EU Charter legally binding[8] and provides that the European Union will accede to the ECHR.[

37. A Confidentiality agreement is a legally binding contract that states two parties will not share or profit from confidential information

38. * The Ministers reiterated that the Kyoto Protocol remains the essential and legally binding basis for addressing pre-2020 mitigation ambition.

39. To make it legally binding the protocol requires ratification by countries with at least 55 % of the developed world's emissions.

40. Third, was the "sympathy money" agreement of 1959, which forbade the patients from claiming any further compensation, a legally binding contract?

41. The Binder is a legally binding document that will be sufficient proof for Jack to complete the signing for his home

42. Means "I promise (in a legally binding sense) that this court transcript " I can Attest to his honesty and good character

43. Yesterday's meeting of the borough planning applications sub-committee approved plans for the 48 hectare golf course subject to certain legally binding conditions.

44. The difference is that rather than being a legally binding ceremony, it is simply a public affirmation of a couple's Commitment to one another

45. Once signed, the document is legally binding and the person signing is subject to being charged with perjury if the Affidavit contains false information.

46. Some state laws grant designated officers the power to sign legally binding documents on Behalf of the LLC, while in other states that designation must be expressly stated

47. We affirm that this work program should prioritize the issues where legally binding outcomes could not be achieved at MC9, including Public Stock-Holding for Food Security Purposes.

48. Backdating is the practice of marking a document, whether a check, contract, or another legally binding document, with a date that is prior to what it should be. Backdating is usually disallowed

49. The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016

50. Also known as a non-disclosure agreement, a non-Circumvention agreement is a legally-binding agreement that is established to prevent a business from being bypassed or circumvented by other parties involved in a

51. The proposal introduces admission conditions for two groups of third-country nationals currently not covered by a legally binding EU legal framework, au pairs and remunerated trainees, to ensure their legal rights and protection.

52. It remains a comprehensive, legally-binding instrument addressing the humanitarian risks posed by the indiscriminate and irresponsible use of anti-personnel mines as well as anti-vehicle mines, while taking into account their continued military necessity.

53. Furthermore, the 2030 Agenda is complemented by the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (3), and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (4), which provides a legally binding framework setting global climate efforts on a new course.

54. Various representatives said that a legally binding multilateral agreement supported by the Global Environment Facility was the best way to deliver funding, adding that it would allay concerns about the proliferation of multilateral funding mechanisms and create economies of scale

55. Adhesion Contract: A type of contract, a legally binding agreement between two parties to do a certain thing, in which one side has all the bargaining power and uses it to write the contract primarily to his or her advantage

56. Clinician's Gateway version 3.6.0 Built: 4/8/2020 (10:39 PM) Welcome to Clinician's Gateway version 3.6.0 (Formerly OLPN) When you login to this system with your Staff ID and Password, you are legally binding yourself to whatever actions you instruct the system to perform

57. * The leaders stressed the importance of a timely and successful conclusion of the ongoing negotiations of a legally binding international regime on access to genetic resources and sharing of the benefits derived from their use and from associated traditional knowledge (Access Benefit Sharing - ABS).

58. Calls on the Commission, in particular, to engage actively with the Tanzanian authorities in order to strongly encourage them to bring forward a legally binding and codified acknowledgement of the rights of the Maasai, with particular reference to their ancestral land, therefore providing the necessary legal protection to prevent future disputes;

59. For example, several conferences and workshops have recently been held in the context of the Mountain Partnership to explore how existing legally binding conventions, such as the Alpine Convention and the Carpathian Convention, could provide insight, expertise and inspiration for the launch of similar collaborative arrangements in other mountainous areas of the world

60. This Directive should not apply to pre-contractual negotiations or to processes of an adjudicatory nature such as certain judicial conciliation schemes, consumer complaint schemes, arbitration and expert determination or to processes administered by persons or bodies issuing a formal recommendation, whether or not it be legally binding as to the resolution of the dispute.

61. Matters covered by mediation in civil and commercial law are defined in negative terms. Thus the eighth recital excludes ‘processes of an adjudicatory nature such as arbitration, ombudsmen schemes, consumer complaint schemes, expert determination or processes administered by bodies issuing a formal recommendation, be it legally binding or not, as to the resolution of the dispute’.

62. The explanatory notes drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities as regards the CN and by the World Customs Organisation as regards the HS are an important aid to the interpretation of the scope of the various tariff headings but do not have legally binding force (see Case C-14/05 Anagram International [2006] ECR I‐0000, paragraph 20)

63. Transfers not based on such an adequacy decision should only be allowed where appropriate safeguards have been adduced in a legally binding instrument, which ensure the protection of the personal data or where the controller or processor has assessed all the circumstances surrounding the data transfer operation or the set of data transfer operations and, based on this assessment, considers that appropriate safeguards with respect to the protection of personal data exist.

64. This Directive should cover processes where two or more parties to a cross-border dispute are assisted by a mediator to reach an amicable agreement on the settlement of the dispute, but should exclude processes such as pre-contractual negotiations or processes of an adjudicatory nature such as arbitration, judicial conciliation schemes, ombudsman schemes, consumer complaint schemes, expert determination or processes administered by bodies issuing a formal recommendation, be it legally binding or not, as to the resolution of the dispute.

65. This Directive should cover processes where two or more parties to a cross-border dispute are assisted by a mediator to reach an amicable agreement on the settlement of the dispute, but should exclude processes such as pre-contractual negotiations or processes of an adjudicatory nature such as arbitration, judicial conciliation schemes, ombudsman schemes, consumer complaint schemes, expert determination or processes administered by bodies issuing a formal recommendation, be it legally binding or not, as to the resolution of the dispute