Use "leeching" in a sentence

1. In leeching …incorporated into the practice of Bloodletting

2. Yes. With money made from leeching the Earth of its resources.

3. Bloodletting procedures, including leeching, became the most common medical procedure throughout the early modern period

4. Allopathic Methods of Treatment Allopaths used bleeding, leeching, cupping, blistering, purging, puking, poulticing and rubbing with toxic ointments to treat their patients

5. But if you're leeching into the ground water, which is looking like a real possibility here, you're going to need to replace your system entirely.

6. Consume 4 sec cast The Hungering Destroyer begins to devour all nearby energy, pulling players towards its location and leeching up to 35057 health from all players every 2 sec for 6 sec