Use "lebensraum" in a sentence

1. 1 Lebensraum? I prefer "man cave".

2. 3 Newspaper articles assured the Soviets that the German Lebensraum did not encroach on Russian territory.

3. 5 With the development of TV industry, the local TV station's lebensraum become more and more small.

4. 4 The development of intellectual economy impels the college journal to change its lebensraum and running mechanism.

5. 2 He envisioned the mass murder of Jews, and a war against France to precede a war against Russia to carve out "lebensraum" ("living room") for Germans in Eastern Europe.

6. Hitler's objectives were to eliminate the Soviet Union as a military power, exterminate Communism, generate Lebensraum ("living space") by dispossessing the native population and guarantee access to the strategic resources needed to defeat Germany's remaining rivals.