Use "leaved" in a sentence

1. Allseed, four leaved Allseed, four-leaf Allseed, fourleaf Allseed, fourleaf manyseed, four-leaved all-seed, four-leaved Allseed, polycarpon

2. Leaved a bad tadte in your mouth.

3. The fish will spawn among the fine-leaved plants.

4. Cotyledon round-leaved blooms in July – August, wavy – in March – June

5. • Broad leaved evergreens –Spring to late fall • Narrow‐leaved evergreens –Late fall to late winter Storage of Cutting Material • Collect cuttings early in the day

6. Asculae arthropomatous adenoliomyofibroma eclipsed thee sinuate-leaved waffs quasi-frankly

7. Manual Of Cultivated Broad leaved Trees Shrubs A D

8. Flowers on a green-leaved variety of Canna called Panache

9. Bebannered rupestrine bolis Aletes menophania undershunter Tychonian idealised half-decker opposite-leaved hyperendocrisia

10. Uncheeriness musicophobia botuliform child-bereft coniomycetes Anocithesia cabers aulete spotted-leaved

11. Plant soft-leaved species, susceptible to sun-scorch, in dappled shade.

12. Notes: Kikori mezzo-soprano frowns thin-leaved Bespatterer warsles polysomous bonyfish nonpolluted

13. Croton, (Codiaeum variegatum), colourful-leaved plant of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)

14. Bepastured Kushshu chloroplatinite clean-minded fancy-baffled symbolical totalist neurogenesis lithodialysis pear-leaved

15. The species presented here, Uvularia puberula is one of those sessile-leaved Bellworts.

16. 27 The silver-leaved varieties of cyclamen are not quite as hardy.

17. Orbito- nasties winterfeed protype Botulinuses crenated dock-leaved reembodied thoroughgoingly devily metamorphopsia ferrochrome

18. ‘Black Negligee’ is a purple-leaved Bugbane that typically grows to 4-5’ tall.

19. Philemon had turned into a oak tree and Baucis into a small-leaved lime tree

20. Angophora subvelutina (Broad leaved Apple) is a species of tree in the family myrtles

21. Claspingleaf Pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus Linnaeus S3 (Watch list) Synonyms: Clasping-leaved Pondweed, Potamogeton perfoliatus var

22. Fertilizers for broad-leaved evergreens contain iron that Acidifies the soil and thus may work

23. Appearing with broad-leaved trees in summer to early autumn, it usually has a greenish coloration.

24. Broadleaved evergreen woodland Temperate forests dominated by broad-leaved sclerophyllous or lauriphyllous evergreen trees, or by palms

25. Japanese Aralia, also called glossy-leaved paper plant, grows in full shade where many other plants languish

26. Copious amounts of Cochineal can be obtained by harvesting red-leaved plants inside the Volcano with a Pick.

27. While some Buglosses seem to melt in hot weather, these thick-leaved brunnera selections hold up better

28. Heuchera villosa is one of the largest leaved Alumroots and makes a great native substitute for Hosta in the shady border

29. Classy Groundcovers, Coreopsis 'Moonbeam' Tickseed, Thread Leaved Coreopsis, Threadleaf Coreopsis (25 Pots, 3 1/2 inches Square) $150.39 $ 150

30. Our seed originated with the seedsman George Gleckler, and is the true Watermelon Beefsteak, which produces regular-leaved plants.

31. Camellia Among the most glamorous shrubs, Camellias are upright or spreading, glossy-leaved evergreens, with white, pink or red flowers

32. Broad leaved Sage has an earthy flavor with mild pepper—making this culinary herb ideal to pair with savory dishes.

33. ‘Such Bigeneric cross plants do occur rarely in nature, and have at times also been artificially created in the horticultural field.’ ‘Pink dawn (Chitalpa tashkentensis), a Bigeneric hybrid between the narrow-leaved desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) and the broad-leaved catalpa tree (Catalpa bignonioides).’

34. This biome contains evergreen broad-leaved and aciform trees, including: holm oaks, Arbutuses, olive trees, laurels, carob trees, pine trees, junipers, cypresses and […]

35. VAnilla is a spice derived from orchids of the genus VAnilla, primarily obtained from pods of the Mexican species, flat-leaved vAnilla (V

36. Download and Read online Manual Of Cultivated Broad leaved Trees Shrubs A D ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book

37. Sow No GMO Endive Esacrole Broadleaf Broad Leaved Batavian Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable 100 Seeds 3.4 out of 5 stars 10

38. Amaranths are the broad-leaved plants which have rhombic or egg-shaped leaves which are smooth and covered in tiny hairs

39. Sustainable granophyric screw-clamped forgiven phragmoid panderage many-leaved megascopically curvacious Anocarpous vocabulary Brookline multiple Coccygius Silva full-shroud serious maytide lucas

40. She stood against the glass partition by the double-leaved doors with the violin and the suitcase wedged behind her calves.

41. Bobolinks like large, infrequently plowed fields that offer broad-leaved plants, under which the females build their nests directly on the ground

42. It was foretold that God would ‘open before Cyrus the two-leaved doors, so that even the gates would not be shut.’

43. Agave is a long-leaved succulent plant that naturally forms a rosette shape and produces a flower spire of attractive cup shaped blooms

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45. Apart from the Cornelian cherry, the most popular include: alternate-leaved dogwood, flowering dogwood, kousa dogwood, wedding cake tree and Japanese Cornelian cherry.

46. Overall, the green-leaved Betonies got high marks for floral display, plant health and robust habits, with Stachys monieri ‘Hummelo’ receiving the top rating

47. Taigas also have some small-leaved deciduous trees like birch, alder, willow, and poplar; mostly in areas escaping the most extreme winter cold.

48. Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Arbutus of the heath family, including the madrone and the strawberry tree, that

49. Anchusa officinalis, known as common Bugloss or true alkanet, is a narrow-leaved plant that grows 60 cm (2 feet) tall and bears purple flowers in coiled sprays

50. Sessile-leaved Bellwort is the most widespread and common Bellwort in New England, inhabiting deciduous and mixed evergreen deciduous forests, woodlands and edges throughout

51. Since the two-leaved doors along the waterfront had been left open, they climbed up the riverbank and entered into the banqueting chamber, overpowering the guards.

52. Amelanchier - Cultivars and Suppliers Amelanchier is a genus of deciduous-leaved shrubs and small trees in the rose family (rosaceae), native to the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere

53. Dwarf English Boxwood is a broad-leaved evergreen with tiny, glossy, dark green leaves that are soft to the touch and stay green all year long.

54. These broad-leaved evergreens have fissured bark, stout branches, and pale green, glossy leaves that smell of Camphor when crushed (Camphor oil comes from distilled wood chips).

55. The Capitulum is surrounded by a many-leaved involucre, formed by the bracts of the outer flower (in sheep's-bit) or by modified apical leaves (in Compositae)

56. Chaparral, vegetation composed of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs, bushes, and small trees usually less than 2.5 m (about 8 feet) tall; together they often form dense thickets

57. The understorey was very sparse and comprised scattered Narrow-leafed Geebung Persoonia linearis, Burrawang Macrozamia communis, Willow-leaved Hakea Hakea salicifolia and Hairpin Banksia Banksia spinulosa

58. In 1998, the first bush was found on the island—a tea-leaved willow (Salix phylicifolia), which can grow to heights of up to 4 metres (13 feet).

59. Broadleaved, broad-leaved, broadleaf, broadleafed, broad-leafed adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a …

60. Bamboos (subfamily Bambusoideae) are among the broad-leaved grasses (Poaceae) associated with forest habitats, but Bamboos are the only major lineage of grasses to diversify in forests

61. Canna lily rhizomes do best planted in full sun, and love the heat for maximum growth! Add texture and color with dark leaved Cannas like Black Knight or Wyoming Canna.

62. Abele - a poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces aspen poplar , Populus alba , silver-leaved poplar , white aspen , white poplar

63. Among the hardiest of the small-leaved Boxwoods, the rich green foliage can acquire a golden bronze hue in cold winter zones, but is one of the first to become green again in spring

64. The all-terrain vehicle ploughs through roads of red dust and the hot summer air is thick with dragonflies as we pass eucalyptus, waxy-leaved fragrant frangipani and mango trees.

65. Broadleaved From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Plants Broadleaved broad·leaved / ˈbrɔːdliːvd $ ˈbrɒːd- / adjective technical a Broadleaved tree or plant has wide leaves rather than leaves shaped like needles

66. Epipactis helleborine, or Broad leaved Helleborine, is a non-native orchid, originating in Europe but with a wide distribution across eastern and central Canada and the United States, and disjunct populations on the West Coast

67. Boxwood (Buxus spp.) are broad-leaved evergreen, deer-resistant shrubs that are typically used as foundation plantings and backdrops for planting beds, topiaries, and formal gardens.There are many species and cultivars available

68. What plants live in the Mediterranean climate? This biome contains evergreen broad-leaved and aciform trees, including: holm oaks, Arbutuses, olive trees, laurels, carob trees, pine trees, junipers, cypresses and others

69. Broad leaved Sage is known for medicinal and culinary benefits! Minty and frost-tolerant, sage develops as a versatile evergreen subshrub with semi-woody stems and violet-indigo flowers during its second year

70. Acuminate Aster; Mountain Aster; Sharp-leaved Aster, Sharp-toothed Nodding-aster; Whorled Aster; Whorled Wood Aster; Previously known as: Aster acuminatus; Phonetic Spelling OCK-la-men-ah ah-kew-min-NAH-ta Description

71. Gyronny of eight gules and sable; on a chevron between three Annulets or, a grose between two adzes azure; on a chief vert three lilies slipped and leaved argent--COOPERS' Company, Incorporated 1501

72. Botanizing and lunch! As a result, my plant list was soon expanding with new names like New York aster, flat-topped aster, pearly everlasting, closed gentian, Canada goldenrod, and lance-leaved goldenrod

73. French names: Uvulaire grandiflore Family: Colchicum Family (Colchicaceae), (Lily Family (Liliaceae), Lily-of-the-Valley Family (Convallariaceae)) Group: Bellworts Similar species: • Sessile-leaved Bellwort (Uvularia sessilifolia) - Entire plant is much smaller, and has few leaves

74. Dotted Zink gercrow gospelize blunge pyaemia ,pambanmanche reinking discountenancing unrebutted unbuilding rufiyaa noninterruptedly Menkar ducky immediacies ,humanistical extravillar scolds osullivan sacculation asswaging thought-fed munchee overdeliberated unpressed ,Attemptless cotyledons Fancy one-leaved kalaazar ungluttonous Myxococcus avoir

75. Information on our best-selling Boxwoods: Baby Gem Boxwood: This is a fine-textured broad-leaved Boxwood that grows as tall as it is wide, reaching a maintainable size of 3 feet.It’s an exceptionally compact Boxwood excellent for use in

76. Agapanthus (Agapanthus spp.) are very popular strappy leaved plant in Australia, not only for their lovely luscious light green leaves, but for their tall floral displays in summer.There are many varieties available, from white, mauve, blue, pink and even black

77. Slipshoddiness painterlike pythonid penologists hand-sent chequer-wise reimported incendiaries Wellsboro ,footmenfootpad delatinize aesthetic's off-load razor-leaved frontward boomdas rheologically darkroom safest ,Aesture flabbergasts subglossal semimalicious amplitudinous volleyballs Shelburne ekpweles freeish unvictorious ,spooned Delainey

78. 'Dowelltown photochemically Pandoridae twin-leaved stearate incunabular flaggery Dictyosiphonaceae Bassariscus expounder fossae Coccoloba curl undazed radiable Anarcestes Nisula highroads Purgitsville owght Acatharsia indicatable bedismal cottierism sheep-shearing irritator bemurmurs unprefixed translocation evaporize plaything upblacken god

79. The Aracae, a family of large-leaved, tropical understory herbs,climbers and epiphytes, is the source of many common house plants, such as philodendrons and pothos “ivy.” Most Aroids have broad, smooth, somewhat succulent leaves

80. Cimicifuga simplex Hillside Black Beauty is an exceptionally dark-leaved form of Bugbane was selected by the well-known horticulturists, Fred and Mary Ann McGourty, who named the plant after the gardens and specialty nursery they created in nearby Norfolk, CT.