Use "leave alone" in a sentence

1. 23 How can you leave alone?

2. 22 We don't allow you to leave alone.

3. 24 It means to leave alone and not interfere.

4. 21 He will leave alone things that might cause trouble.

5. 20 Who hear swear with good nature? Best leave alone, keep silent.

6. 29 Hapi birthday to myself...but now i just want to leave alone.

7. 26 In old China there was hardly any machine - building industry, leave alone an automobile industry.

8. Antonyms for Beleaguer include aid, assist, help, please, soothe, make happy, delight, leave alone, support and

9. 27 Channels can help us decide which stocks or futures to trade and which to leave alone.

10. Antonyms for Conspire include disagree, neglect, leave alone, forget, ignore, disorganize, divide, separate, withdraw and break up

11. Antonyms for Beleaguer include aid, assist, help, please, soothe, make happy, delight, leave alone, support and reassure

12. He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, " let sleeping dogs lie. "

13. 25 He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, " let sleeping dogs lie. "

14. 30 For this reason, you should also exercise caution when deciding which accounts to remove and which to leave alone.

15. 28 Does this mean that in time fish might learn to leave alone all food on hooks that they have seen often before?