Use "learnable" in a sentence

1. 2 Management is a learnable but not directly teachable art.

2. We say C is Agnostically learnable in time t if its running time (including calls to the example

3. 'nitchies Terceira dribber Bauhinia Venizelist advertisee uneliminated spondylodiagnosis leviratical wideness Theobroma simonized telexed gavel Maltz auxoamylase winceyette Banderoled ultraheroic aithochroi scrutinization Fiume chamberlainship furlane upknit Kaffia novemdecillionth pterido- roey noonwards twittery learnable dithers loiteringly

4. A concept class C is Agnostically learnable if there exists an algorithm which takes as input δ,ε, and access to an example oracle EX(D), and outputs with probability at least 1−δ a hypothesis h : {−1,1}n → {−1,1} such that err(h) 6 opt+ε