Use "leaning over" in a sentence

1. Mrs. Kennedy was leaning over him.

2. The ship was leaning over to port.

3. I was leaning over and I slipped

4. Leaning over, he kissed her possessively on the mouth.

5. He was leaning over the gate chewing on a straw.

6. He's developed a slouch from leaning over his books all day.

7. I caught sight of Jim leaning over the parapet of the quay.

8. That silhouette leaning over the railing of the darkened veranda just beyond her window was definitely his.

9. The deep red hue of Corina's tumor is plain to see, even to a layperson leaning over the surgeon's shoulder.

10. On the lower deck in a third, an oldish-looking, bare-bodied fellow is leaning over an oar, staring vacantly at our boat.

11. He asked, for that was the name he called the thinnest of thin gentlemen -- with the Beakiest of beaky noses -- who was leaning over his bed

12. The door led right into a large kitchen, which was full of smoke from one end to the other: the Duchess was sitting on a three - legged stool in the middle, nursing a baby; the cook was leaning over the fire, stirring a large cauldron which seemed to be full of soup.