Use "leakey" in a sentence

1. She was first mentored by the renowned conservationist Richard Leakey.

2. The bones were recovered by a scientific team from the Kenya National Museums directed by Richard Leakey and others.

3. Although the excavation team did not find hips, feet or legs, Meave Leakey believes that Australopithecus anamensis often climbed trees.

4. The label Abbevillian prevailed until the Leakey family discovered older (yet similar) artifacts at Olduvai Gorge and promoted the African origin of man.

5. Originally bred by Paul Arnold Casey, Jr., a Hollywood scriptwriter, playwright, and author, after his return from Tanzania while working with Louis Leakey in the 1970s.

6. It proved to match closely with fossils Meave Leakey and her team had found at two Great Rift Valley sites in Kenya,( which she would name Australopithecus anamensis.

7. Follow Jane from her childhood in London watching a robin on her windowsill, to her years in the African forests of Gombe, Tanzania, invited by brilliant scientist Louis Leakey to observe Chimps, to her worldwide crusade to save these primates who are now in danger

8. The end of the Oldowan in Africa and its replacement by a newly emerged technology, the Acheulean, is a major subject of debate in studies of the Early Stone Age (Clark, 1994, Gowlett, 1986, Leakey, 1971, Roche, 2005, Stiles, 1977, Torre and Mora, 2005).At present, there are several archaeological sites in Eastern Africa claiming to be the earliest Acheulean assemblages.