Use "lawmakers" in a sentence

1. Hamilton: Taxcutitis extremis Afflicts lawmakers

2. After Capitol Riot, Lawmakers Chafe at Security Measures

3. The lawmakers prattle on about wanting greater continuity.

4. "Their peers forgive, but DWIs haunt lawmakers".

5. Democratic lawmakers unveil Biden-Backed immigration overhaul bill

6. Both lawmakers are called for al - Maliki's ouster.

7. Both lawmakers have called for al - Maliki's ouster.

8. Pro-Brexit lawmakers got many of their wishes

9. Lawmakers who Conspired with Capitol attackers in legal peril

10. In a suburb Beset by racial inequities, lawmakers aren’t sure

11. Despite the cool reception that reparations are receiving among lawmakers, Rep.

12. U.S. lawmakers have given President Obama's new Afghan strategy mixed reviews.

13. 1609 – Galileo Galilei demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers.

14. Would lawmakers mandate hospitalization for intractable nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?

15. The economic recession gave lawmakers a Convenient pretext for passing the bill

16. Dole and other lawmakers as the budget impasse has dragged on.

17. Individual lawmakers thus were left free to support the measure almost unhindered.

18. Pelosi: Any lawmakers who ‘aided and Abetted’ Capitol rioters should be prosecuted

19. Lawmakers were burning the midnight oil last night, as the debate continued.

20. Without Concerted determination from lawmakers, the bill will never become a law

21. Commissioners send letter to lawmakers Arguing against solar and wind farm bill

22. Affable and understated, Kenen genuinely liked and respected the lawmakers he worked with.

23. Some lawmakers and advocacy groups, however, Complained the waiting period needlessly extends unjust treatment

24. State lawmakers were criticized for failing to provide money to cover the shortfall.

25. Farm groups maintain that the president only wants a rubber stamp from lawmakers.

26. Lawmakers, including Washington’s two senators, want to prevent cloning the circumstances it Chillingly

27. US lawmakers have done little to subvert the romance between their citizens and their automobiles.

28. She says lawmakers should reject Jega's nomination, reappoint Iwu, and better educate the electorate.

29. Banning Chokeholds has become a key issue for lawmakers in the wake of Floyd's death

30. The post Kentucky lawmakers advance bill that Criminalizes insulting, taunting police appeared first on TheGrio

31. Politics 'We all know hate when we see it': Dem lawmakers Condemn violence against Asian Americans

32. Few lawmakers showed up a day after a suicide bomber struck inside the parliament building.

33. Lawmakers in Mexico City have become the first in Latin America to legalise gay marriage.

34. Many Republican lawmakers and some Democrats have been critical of proposals to extend the mission.

35. For lawmakers and political candidates, 2019 could be the year of not giving a f--- about Cursing

36. His veto message is significant because it makes it even harder for lawmakers to equalize school funding.

37. Firefighters, police, lawmakers, and rescue personnel strive to alleviate or prevent the suffering of others.

38. Lawmakers: 'Good news' on Oregon revenue forecast, Belying the struggle of many Oregonians Governor Kate Brown and leading state lawmakers agreed that Oregon's revenues are looking up, but it obscures the way that many people in the state continue to …

39. At a record size of 709 lawmakers, the German Bundestag is the largest democratic chamber in the world

40. But he failed miserably in getting lawmakers to pass offsetting spending cuts, aggravating two decades of deficits.

41. Lawmakers in these countries apparently hope that the fear of getting arrested will deter people from selling sex.

42. It is almost impossible to amend the bill and remove the provision at this late stage, lawmakers say.

43. Investors' confidence got a further jolt when budget talks between President Bill Clinton and Republican lawmakers were canceled.

44. 1 day ago · Lawmakers Alarmed by high COVID-19 vaccine refusal rate at BOP workforce

45. Lawmakers also worry about the public perception that the earmarking process breeds corruption or pay - to - play politics.

46. 15 hours ago · Illinois lawmakers frustrated with 'Bickering' between Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum, foundation

47. Justice Belied; The Unbalanced Scales of International Criminal Justice Several lawmakers accused have Belied the allegation, with Sen.

48. Other areas addressed in WHO’s Global Strategy are hospitals, national health systems, food producers, pharmaceutical companies, and lawmakers.

49. The difficulty of determining whether a child was stillborn or murdered has Confounded English lawmakers and jurists for centuries

50. Aides and a range of lawmakers begged Trump to call on his supporters to stop rioting at the Capitol

51. GOP lawmakers in the Arizona State Senate failed to approve an Abortion bill that would have banned Abortion based on genetic

52. Some lawmakers are already pledging to find a way to avoid sequestration - by passing legislation to cancel the cuts.

53. 11 hours ago · Senate dress code survives Attempts by freshman lawmakers to get rid of it

54. 30 The other would remove responsibility for prosecuting lawmakers from the Supreme Court, vesting it in the attorney-general.

55. 12 Aronoff, Riffe, other lawmakers and lobbyists adamantly deny any connection between campaign contributions,( honoraria and legislative action.

56. Twenty lawmakers of the PTI from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly remained absent from a meeting Chaired by PM Imran Khan on Monday, …

57. House of Representatives on Friday overwhelmingly approved legislation Condemning the military coup in Myanmar, as lawmakers decried increasingly harsh tactics used to …

58. The House Freedom Caucus -- a bloc of Conservative lawmakers, many of whom are among former President Donald Trump's staunchest allies -- …

59. Tom Reed Tom Reed These House lawmakers aren't seeking reelection in 2022 Tom Reed Apologizes over sexual misconduct claims, won't …

60. She urged lawmakers to set up a new, independent agency to protect consumers from "tricks and traps" set by banks.

61. Lawmakers also rejected plans to use tobacco-tax money to provide health insurance for 000 children of the working poor.

62. That plan passed the Senate but died in the House as lawmakers wrapped up work to Adjourn for the year.

63. 1 day ago · Both companies defended their contributions, arguing they’re still adhering to Bans on direct donations to those lawmakers

64. WASHINGTON DC — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met Monday with lawmakers, including members of committees holding hearings this week on the Cambridge Analyt

65. 23 Initially it was feared there might be a dearth of potential lawmakers in a country with no tradition of politicking.

66. The measure went nowhere in the House, where some Hispanic lawmakers feared it would not increase the number of Hispanic judges.

67. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Crusaded against voting rights during a call last week with Republican state lawmakers, claiming that Democrats… Comments Masthead Masthead

68. During Brazil's military rule period, the president was elected by an electoral college comprising senators, deputies, state deputies, and lawmakers in the cities.

69. Common Cause said the participation of the reform-minded lawmakers would shatter their vow to change the way business is done in Washington.

70. Ten of the worst (or possibly greatest) congressional Backronyms—intentional acronyms created by attention-seeking lawmakers, or more likely, their poor staffers:

71. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Crusaded against voting rights during a call last week with Republican state lawmakers, claiming that Democrats… Comments Masthead Masthead

72. After Georgia shooting, Warnock pushes for gun control, voting reform Senator called for 'reasonable gun control' and a change in priorities for lawmakers

73. WASHINGTON — When he was the leader of Republicans in the California State Assembly — an ideologically diverse group of lawmakers often Choleric toward both Gov

74. For instance, in 2020 an influx of right-wing primary Challengers defeated more moderate lawmakers in six state Senate and House districts and mounted …

75. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and several US lawmakers have said that they are Appalled by the ongoing acts of hate against Asian Americans and …

76. Will US lawmakers rein in marketplace Counterfeits? As retailers like Amazon try to police the sale of knockoffs, several congressional bills aim to …

77. A bipartisan group of House lawmakers with military or national security backgrounds introduced a bill Thursday to repeal three decades-old war Authorizations…

78. In December 2011, it was announced that, due to mounting pressure from MEPs, Northern Cypriot lawmakers would repeal the law currently criminalising homosexuality.

79. 13 The lobbyists' job was to drum up support among rank-and-file lawmakers-a majority of whom had just voted for it.

80. 1 day ago · China a rare political issue in polarized times that could see bipartisan Cooperation, lawmakers say Republican Sen