Use "laudatory remark" in a sentence

1. South Australia has a laudatory name, what is it?

2. 5 synonyms for Commendatory: acclamatory, approbatory, complimentary, congratulatory, laudatory

3. 9 synonyms for Approbatory: acclamatory, commendatory, complimentary, congratulatory, laudatory

4. Chicken legs , chicken claws , laudatory title, rich in colloid, with tenacity.

5. Her teaching evaluations are among the most laudatory in this department.

6. The remark angered him.

7. Antonyms for Accusatory include complimentary, approving, encouraging, laudatory, praising and flattering

8. The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement.

9. What a fatuous remark!

10. His remark rendered me speechless.

11. What an asinine remark!

12. Apposite remark definition in English dictionary, apposite remark meaning, synonyms, see also 'Appositely',appositive',appose',appositeness'

13. A laudatory speech or written tribute , especially one praising someone who has died.

14. Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, has always enjoyed its laudatory title Green City.

15. 19 There was a nice write-up in the paper, even a laudatory editorial.

16. His remark passed unnoticed.

17. His remark precipitated my decision.

18. John chipped in with a remark.

19. It seemed a perfectly innocuous remark.

20. He made that remark by design.

21. That wasn't a very charitable remark.

22. His indelicate remark hurt her feelings.

23. She forgave him his thoughtless remark.

24. The remark was uttered sotto voce.

25. There was a nice write-up in the paper, even a laudatory editorial.

26. Your remark disagrees with mine.

27. The remark was most apt.

28. Fenton's remark drew derisive laughs.

29. 24 Her tactless remark offended me.

30. His remark discords with the fact.

31. He sat musing on my remark.

32. Her unkind remark bruised his feeling.

33. His remark jolted her into action.

34. Antonyms for Castigating include nonpunitive, nonpunishable, approving, complimentary, eulogistic, flattering, laudatory, panegyrical, praising and gentle

35. Antonyms for Affronting include approving, complimentary, eulogistic, flattering, laudatory, panegyrical, praising, gentle, kind and nice

36. The Senator denied making the remark .

37. This remark caused Affront to many people.

38. What he said is a facile remark.

39. Antonyms for Caviling include uncritical, complimentary, praising, approving, laudatory, flattering, encouraging, commendatory, forgiving and easy-going

40. I don't know why, but O. B a way of disparaging me even while laudatory phrases.

41. I just ignored her last remark.

42. His humorous remark made everyone laugh.

43. 14 They bristled at the remark.

44. That was a very hurtful remark!

45. Her indelicate remark hurt his feelings.

46. Such a remark verges on impertinence.

47. Now , when Carrie heard Drouet's laudatory opinion of her dramatic ability, her body tingled with satisfaction.

48. Rick said this Condescending remark at …

49. (aa) Preliminary remark on the facts

50. Her remark pulled me up short.

51. His remark was directed at you.

52. You'd better take back that remark!

53. Antonyms for Calumnious include complimentary, approving, commending, exalting, praising, laudatory, flattering, admiring, kind and nice

54. Antonyms for Bellyaching include complimentary, laudatory, praising, adulatory, approbative, approbatory, commendatory, plauditory, congratulatory and approving

55. Her next remark Abruptly terminated the conversation

56. His humorous remark lightened the tense atmosphere.

57. One sharp remark is enough deflate her.

58. Some raucous laughter followed the ribald remark.

59. The remark was made half in jest.

60. She damned herself with one stupid remark.

61. What does Backhander mean? An uncomplimentary remark

62. 1 His humorous remark made everyone laugh.

63. Was that remark directed at/towards me?

64. He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.

65. A chorus of laughter greeted his remark.

66. He scores goals with remark-able consistency.

67. 2 She was nettled by Holman's remark.

68. Courtesy - a courteous or respectful or considerate remark

69. Apologize to your mother for that rude remark.

70. My remark is on behalf of the workers.

71. 23 Joyce thought this last remark was humorous.

72. How can you explain such a silly remark?

73. His remark brought a blush to my cheeks.

74. The remark showed a deplorable lack of taste.

75. Perhaps her last remark was a bit sententious?

76. Politically speaking it was a rather unwise remark.

77. I'll take that remark as a compliment.

78. Did you remark the similarity between them?

79. Why did you fling out that remark?

80. He was still fuming over the remark.