Use "lashed" in a sentence

1. I lashed out.

2. Huge waves lashed the shore.

3. He lashed the horse cruelly.

4. Lusts lashed him into lunacy.

5. Cindy lashed her motorboat alongside.

6. The author lashed out against chauvinism.

7. Giant waves lashed the sea wall.

8. The cat's tail lashed a bout.

9. Instantly Oliver lashed it harshly with the whip, lashed its mate, leaped to the ground and kept on lashing.

10. The crew lashed cargoes of timber down.

11. The tiger's tail lashed back and forth.

12. Cole lashed home a 20-yard volley.

13. 29 The speaker lashed into Liberal government.

14. The wounded soldier lashed about in great pain.

15. The wounded soldier lashed around in great pain.

16. The horse lashed out with its back legs.

17. 22 She lashed out, her arm swinging wildly.

18. He lashed at the servant with a whip.

19. The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism.

20. 7 She lashed out, her arm swinging wildly.

21. He will be lashed with the electric wire cable!

22. He lashed into the prisoner until he lost consciousness.

23. Torrential rain lashed down but the people were patient.

24. 2 The wounded soldier lashed around in great pain.

25. She lashed the horses mercilessly with her long whip.

26. The speaker lashed at the government for its inaction.

27. He lashed out angrily, hitting anyone within his reach.

28. 12 The wounded soldier lashed about in great pain.

29. High winds and heavy rains lashed the tiny sailboat.

30. A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows.

31. 6 She looked into his saintly long-lashed eyes.

32. 20 I've lashed your case to the roof rack.

33. And after that, he just lashed out at random.

34. The cruel man lashed the horse with his whip.

35. Fearlessly, Tom lashed into the robbers, who soon ran away.

36. The crew lashed down the cargo on the fore deck.

37. The cleverly designed speech lashed the audience into a frenzy.

38. The publisher lashed out 70 000 copies of his recent work.

39. 21 The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.

40. He lashed out at the robber who robbed the old man.

41. 28 He lashed out half a small fortune on the interior decoration.

42. The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.sentencedict .com

43. Storm after storm lashed at homes and businesses from Honduras to Florida.

44. The man lashed the donkey but it would not go any faster.

45. 1 The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.

46. 4 The camper lashed two pieces of wood together to make a bed.

47. Blootered Plastered Rat-arsed Shit faced Paralletic Fucked Mangled Langered Legless paralytic Lashed

48. As a result, he often felt frustrated and lashed out at his family.

49. A large crowd milled there despite the cold wind which lashed face and hand.

50. Synonyms for Bucketed include poured, pelted, beat, beaten, lashed, sheeted, streamed, teemed, torrented and tipped

51. Typhoon Abby lashed the island with winds of 85 kn (157 km/h) and heavy rains.

52. I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out and hit me in the face.

53. Synonyms for Basted include bashed, battered, beat, beaten, clubbed, drubbed, lamBasted, lashed, mauled and pelted

54. He made his way to the yam sacks lashed Abaft the mizzenmast and got his bottle.

55. No landmass slows the swell of the southern oceans. Sea birds nest on wind - lashed islands.

56. He drank a little water before he lashed the marlin to bow and stern of skiff.

57. Clad in the lashed and Bulging Keds - English Only forum made the sidewalks swell beneath their Bulging

58. Men or women convicted of drinking alcohol or committing adultery may be lashed in public 100 times.

59. 4 Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.

60. Heavy goods vehicles have to have their loads firmly lashed down to meet the safety laws.

61. Duvall lashed backwards, but Jimmy had leapt to his feet, colliding with one of the hessian screens.

62. They rumbled through dry brush, the Comet an ocher dust storm lashed by branches and spiky shoots.

63. 19 Duvall lashed backwards, but Jimmy had leapt to his feet, colliding with one of the hessian screens.

64. Sometimes rain lashed the tarred roofs of the huts until they glistened like the skin of a seal.

65. Vertical wall planks and roof planks were laid over a subframe of poles which was lashed to the frames.

66. 28 Nobody lives beyond that, and the track then crosses a temporary bridge of poplar logs lashed together.

67. Note: [1] A Besom is a long handled broom with the head made out of pieces of twig lashed together.

68. Once he has lost control and lashed out at his tormentor, she then sports undeniable evidence of his cruelty.

69. What does Bidarka mean? A kayak constructed by covering a light wooden frame (lashed together with sinew) in sea lion

70. As she watched, the whole sea lifted, a green billow rose and drowned the cave and lashed against the rock.

71. 10 Once he has lost control and lashed out at his tormentor, she then sports undeniable evidence of his cruelty.

72. 10 His oh-so-careful slimy grin that lashed out and maimed as much as a punch or a kick.

73. The trickiest parts was keeping the feet with their fearsome claws underneath the body while she was lashed up like a parcel.

74. While the men put them on, he led the fishing-line down from his marlin rod lashed to the after port stay.

75. Then he lashed his horses and round and round the walls of Troy he dragged all that was left of glorious Hector.

76. For example, on one occasion when he was attacked in a humiliating and unjust way, he lashed out against a Jew named Ananias.

77. BRUSSELS — A Belgian bishop has lashed out at the Vatican over its decree that the Catholic Church won't bless same-sex unions since God …

78. Meghan Markle formally Complained to UK broadcaster ITV after Piers Morgan lashed out at her and accused her of lying about her mental health …

79. While most of Azealia Banks's Beefs seem pointless, this one we can get behind: The Harlem rapper lashed out at Italian designer Dolce & Gabbana …

80. Nowhere does the great outdoors feel wilder – greater – than Australasia.This is a place where nature still rules, from wave-lashed beaches and towering eucalyptus forests to …