Use "land line" in a sentence

1. 10 Use a land line, and disable call waiting.

2. CapTel Captioned Telephone Model CT2400i Land Line for Hearing Impaired

3. 30 Potential savings: $ If you find that your land line is gathering dust, lose it.

4. Portable communications apparatus, namely radios, handsets, walkie-talkies, sattelite telephones, land line telephones, digital cellular phones

5. Our Call-Back Service works both with your regular land line and your mobile phone - world wide!

6. Our reseller information: Goston Avend Pty Ltd 17-21 George Street Blackburn VIC 3130 , Australia Phone: + 61 3 9894-0444 FREE call 1-800-263333 from any land line in

7. Tunnel hole-through, also known as Breakthrough, when the two ends of a tunnel under construction meet; Breakthrough (military), a situation where an offensive force has broken through an enemy defensive line Emergency Breakthrough, a function on land-line telephones that allows a caller to interrupt a phone conversation of another caller