Use "laborious" in a sentence

1. It's about painstaking research and laborious testing.

2. Analysts warn that it will be a long, laborious process.

3. Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.

4. Checking all the information will be slow and laborious.

5. Arduous definition, requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult: an Arduous undertaking

6. Producing appreciable quantities demands somewhat laborious and delicate manipulations of yeast.

7. They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree.

8. Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.

9. Then he could sleep through the drive and the laborious business of make-up.

10. Time was when monitoring a suspected dead - letter box involved laborious work by humans.

11. The laborious processing of the gold involves women, the elderly and children.

12. 7 For the smallholder kale is a rather laborious crop to feed.

13. But boiling the grain was a laborious process and produced an unpalatable mush.

14. The texts were transcribed by hand, a laborious process that encouraged typographical shorthand.

15. Synonyms for Arduous include difficult, hard, heavy, taxing, tough, formidable, laborious, onerous, strenuous and trying

16. Antiquaries meanwhile began the laborious task of dating and classifying medieval English architecture

17. 25 But boiling the grain was a laborious process and produced an unpalatable mush.

18. The difficult ascent of the mountain Arduous stresses the need of laborious and persevering exertion

19. " The reality is that investing in Vietnam is still a very laborious process , " Mr. Brown says .

20. After laborious experimentation, they discovered the correct mixtures of volcanic ash and slaked lime.

21. It is a laborious process, likely to lead to embarrassing blunders if badly done.

22. However, the work of translation was laborious, with some projects lasting 20 years or more.

23. 7 Mild, persistent delirium, not as violent as in Belladonna restless with laborious dreams, muttering delirium.

24. Synonyms for Backbreaking include hard, difficult, arduous, demanding, tough, strenuous, laborious, exacting, gruelling and challenging

25. The laborious task of contacting all the men on the list from London Life cranked into life.

26. This is a laborious and painstaking process involving beating, steaming, scraping, soaking, stripping, and other treatments.

27. 27 On the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.

28. It is recognised, however, that this would be an extremely laborious task and unlikely to be fulfilled.

29. 12 Waxing is a very laborious process and the wood will require re-waxing at regular intervals.

30. Finally it was taken into the adjoining paint shop where the painting was done by hand, a laborious task.

31. Since everyone enjoyed the results of this laborious task, it seemed only fair that everyone participate in their production.

32. Without the convenience of machinery, what a laborious task it must have been to reduce grain to flour!

33. That afternoon we made a laborious but uneventful descent down the north east face and retrieved our skis.

34. Arduous definition: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort synonyms: heavy, effortful, hard, punishing, operose, laborious

35. Homosexuality can therefore feel more natural to many men than their comparatively laborious, expensive, and frustrating pursuits of young women.

36. Of all the styles it is the most laborious and there are few professionals able or willing to continue the tradition.

37. The Belletristic is sometimes contrasted with the scholarly or academic: it is supposed to be free of the laborious, …

38. Tests for alpha radiation need not be as laborious and time consuming, thanks to new testing procedures being developed.

39. This laborious procedure was abolished in 1689, when a duty was charged on each pound of dry tea leaves.

40. The estates had been neglected in the war and Sharpe had begun the laborious task of repairing the years of neglect.

41. This would have been a laborious task done by using a portable hand mill and possibly a mortar and pestle.

42. But it was equally evident that traditional approaches to the computerisation of personnel records was too complex, laborious and expensive.

43. Producing these on conventional printers is a very laborious process and the results will only be in black and white.

44. Some of the jobs around a farm or homestead were minor everyday tasks and some were huge and laborious undertakings.

45. Near the top of their laborious climb, they discovered that a protruding ledge denied them their final few feet of ascent.

46. Inefficiencies due to human error in conducting these laborious scans for potential applicants was another source for concern regarding the operation.

47. The laborious work and the meager wages made them feel painful, and then they extemporaneously sang some songs to express their own misfortune.

48. Traditional method which manually used tool gage is time-consuming and laborious. So a new method of automatic tool adjustment is proposed.

49. Certification and Accreditation – Target Date October 2001 It is agreed that the Certification and Accreditation process within the Department is laborious and technically inclined.

50. Sentence example with the word 'Abstruse' Abstruse abstract, complex, demanding, hairy, in a cloud, laborious, obscure, rigorous, severe, tricky, wrapped in clouds Definition adj

51. Similarly, Urian Oakes (1631- touches a nerve of agony in these lines of his laborious "Elegy upon the Death of the Reverend Mr. Thomas" (16.

52. The Belletristic is sometimes contrasted with the scholarly or academic: it is supposed to be free of the laborious, inert, jargon-ridden habits indulged by professors

53. The gain of the track or focussing control circuit of a compact disc player is laborious to adjust by means of the manual setting of a potentiometer.

54. Arduous Attended with great labor, like the ascending of acclivities; difficult; laborious; as, an Arduous employment, task, or enterprise.; Arduous Steep and lofty, in a literal sense; hard to climb

55. For the most part it was a silent forest, lush and dank, where only occasionally a wood-pigeon Cooed or snow- white cockatoos laughed harshly in laborious flight.

56. An alternative but more laborious approach is to photocopy test vessels and plants, cut out the resulting silhouette of colonies and determine their area using a leaf area analyser or graph paper.

57. The process of colour printing known as Chromolithography was a turning point in the history of packaging. Prior to this, the laborious process of colouring had been done by hand, mainly by

58. The words difficult and hard are common synonyms of Arduous. While all three words mean "demanding great exertion or effort," Arduous stresses the need of laborious and persevering exertion

59. It's hard to imagine that with all the magical gadgets, the eager, studious types would still whip out a notepad, pencil, and highlighter–and take laborious, wrist-twisting notes in class.

60. An alternative but more laborious approach is to photocopy test vessels and plants, cut out the resulting silhouette of colonies and determine their area using a leaf area analyser or graph paper

61. Andrew O'Hehir writing for Salon said, "Much of Captain America: Civil War is just the laborious working-out of leftover dangling plot elements from Captain America: The Winter Soldier two summers ago."

62. And Conceive is used well in the following examples because the action does involve deep thought or imagination: In modern hip-hop, it’s hard to Conceive of a job more laborious than backing up Afrika Bambaataa’s record collection

63. No-one knows the "organization [of the] laborious unconscious Cerebration work [that takes place] without our awareness", said Bernheim; or how "unconscious Cerebration [actually generates] a visible and tangible product of the mind"

64. Arduous adjective difficult, trying, hard, tough, tiring, severe, painful, exhausting, punishing, harsh, taxing, heavy, steep, formidable, fatiguing, rigorous, troublesome, gruelling, strenuous, onerous, laborious, burdensome, backbreaking, toilsome The task was more Arduous than he had calculated.

65. The posterior retushing of these many dust spots with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements is a very laborious matter that never leads to the results provided by the scanners with an infrared-based dust and scratch correction.

66. Thus he began the laborious process of building his magnum opus, Mineralogy and Crystallography: An Annotated Biobibliography of Books 1469 to 1919 —a massive compilation which occupied most of his spare time for the rest of his life

67. Many thousands of plants, brought from the far corners of the world, and rare collections, some of them unique in Europe and acclimatized after long laborious efforts, have been arranged with art in this beautiful setting, between the mountains and the lake.

68. 1862, Thaddeus William Harris, A Treatise on Some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation short but very powerful jaws, by means whereof the insect can Bore […] a cylindrical passage through the most solid wood To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; to …

69. Ascetic comes from "askētikos," a Greek adjective meaning "laborious," and ultimately traces back to the Greek verb askein, which means "exercise" or "work." There aren't many other English words from "askein," but there's no dearth of synonyms for "Ascetic."

70. So explained Captain Neil Mc Eacharn, the man who created these marvellous gardens. Many thousands of plants, brought from the far corners of the world, and rare collections, some of them unique in Europe and acclimatized after long laborious efforts, have been arranged with art in this beautiful setting, between the mountains and the lake.

71. Coarsened Exact Matching Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) is a Monotonoic Imbalance Bounding (MIB) matching method -- which means that the balance between the treated and control groups is chosen by the user ex ante rather than discovered through the usual laborious process of checking after the fact and repeatedly reestimating, and so that

72. The various stages of Agenda 2000 - from the revision of the treaties to the move to the single currency, from the opening of the negotiations on the future enlargements to the consequent demands to adapt certain common policies and the financial base - all present enormous opportunities for development and deepening, but they also represent a tremendous danger: that our laborious achievements since the founding of the Community could be reversed and fragmented.