Use "kundera" in a sentence

1. The film is loosely based on the novel by Kundera.

2. Commiserating with Devastated Things seeks to understand the place Milan Kundera calls “the universe of the novel.” Working through Kundera’s oeuvre as well as the continental philosophical tradition, Wirth argues that Kundera transforms―not applies―philosophical reflection within literature.

3. Born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, in 19 Kundera worked as a labourer and a jazz musician before turning to writing.

4. First was Love, which prioritised writers with a gift for psychological verisimilitude, such as Austen, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, James, Hardy and Kundera.

5. La realidad sociolingüística de la Universidad Intercultural del Estado de México (UIEM).-- autor: Erdösová ZuzanA la Communaute Du Sud 6: La reine des vampires-- autor: Harris Charlaine La fiesta de la insignificancia-- autor: Kundera Milan