Use "kublai khan" in a sentence

1. The Great Kublai Khan is interested in peace with South China.

2. Under Kublai Khan and his successors, it became a shrine for the cult of the Genghis Khan.

3. I've just received word that the great and noble Kublai Khan will not be attending my peace parley.

4. Marco Polo emerges as being curious and tolerant, and devoted to Kublai Khan and the dynasty that he served for two decades.

5. Its leader, Kublai Khan, demanded that the Japanese pay tribute to the new Yuan dynasty and threatened reprisals if they failed to do so.

6. It was during the reign of Jayavarman VIII that the Mongol forces under the command of Kublai Khan attacked the Angkor empire in 1283.

7. History The ethnic origins of modern Myanmar (known historically as Burma) are a mixture of Indo-Aryans, who began pushing into the area around 700 B.C., and the Mongolian invaders under Kublai Khan who penetrated the region in the 13th century

8. The book The Lonely Planet Guidebook on Vietnam explains: “The cave derives its Vietnamese name from the third of the chambers, which is said to have been used during the 13th century to store the sharp bamboo stakes which [Vietnamese military hero] Tran Hung Dao planted in the bed of the Bach Dang River” to foil the invading Kublai Khan.