Use "knight in shining armor" in a sentence

1. You're my knight in shining armor.

2. Says America's knight in shining armor.

3. You're supposed to be the knight in shining armor.

4. My knight in shining armor is out there somewhere... and I'm gonna find him.

5. Chivalry toward Women - The Knight in Shining Armor Chivalry was the honor code of the knight and great importance was placed on courtesy towards women leading to the concept of a 'Knight in Shining armor

6. Aubade was the love object of a knight in shining armor who sang love ballads to …

7. So my knight in shining armor, John Maeda, without any prompt, came out with this big declaration on why video games belong in the MoMA.

8. The definition of Chivalrous is a man who is attentive and courteous to women, like a knight in shining armor. A man who opens the door for a woman and provides any help she needs is an example of a man who is Chivalrous.