Use "knee-jerk refflex" in a sentence

1. 2 The terrorist attack prompted knee-jerk legislation.

2. 9 Such "requirements" are just bad knee-jerk design.

3. 8 So the knee-jerk reaction was This is ridiculous.

4. 1 It was a knee-jerk reaction on her part.

5. 7 Knee-jerk reactions to problems often end up poorly.

6. 14 I was not knee-jerk and did not throw him out.

7. 4 The incident calls for a measured response, avoiding knee-jerk reactions.

8. 3 A victim's knee-jerk reaction to the crime is often revenge.

9. Genuine opinions need to be “Baized” on more than knee-jerk reactions

10. 17 Knee-jerk rejection of new ideas is not how skeptics work.

11. The careful reflection rider aims to eliminate knee-jerk reactions, which are clearly Corrigible

12. 12 He's facing intense, knee-jerk opposition to his efforts to rescue the economy.

13. 5 The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals.

14. 6 Environmentalists have a knee-jerk reaction against any sort of development, however "green" it might be.

15. The knee - jerk assumption of he argues, is that as countries modernise they take on western characteristics.

16. Words related to Autogenetic natural , mechanical , reflex , unconscious , routine , habitual , impulsive , instinctive , intuitive , involuntary , knee-jerk , perfunctory , spontaneous , unintentional , unthinking , …

17. 18 By the time you've thought it through, you're probably past yelling at your mom, which is a knee-jerk response.

18. 26 Every time you mention the word "outsourcing" among IT professionals (especially in the U.S.) there's a predictable knee-jerk reaction.

19. 11 It seemed to be some sort of knee-jerk reaction to tradition, throwing away the controls and standards in favor of anarchy.

20. "Counteroffers are typically a knee-jerk reaction to broader staffing issues," says Paul McDonald, senior executive director for Robert Half.

21. 25 "In this day and age you should have a point of view, but not necessarily one that's rooted in knee-jerk ideology," he says.

22. 10 While knee-jerk reaction is part of being a fan, writer, broadcaster and radio blabber , it is toxic to anyone running a sports team.

23. While knee-jerk reaction is part of being a fan, writer, broadcaster and radio blabber , it is toxic to anyone running a sports team.

24. 19 And I admit that some of it was simply a knee-jerk reaction that parents too often have: It's easier to say no than yes.

25. Knee, knee.

26. But if republicanism is to survive in Britain it needs to get over such knee-jerk reactions and recognise the visual cunning that is monarchy's secret weapon.

27. 13 The Saudi response to the recent knee-jerk buoyancy of oil futures was to hold prices and hope to work off brim-full inventories.

28. 24 But I don't believe in allowing that to blind us to what is in our best interests, or giving knee-jerk approval to anything Israel does.

29. 23 But if republicanism is to survive in Britain it needs to get over such knee-jerk reactions and recognise the visual cunning that is monarchy's secret weapon.

30. People may have a knee-jerk reaction to Catabolic hormones as the bad guy, so when people hear the word Catabolic, they immediately equate it with muscle loss.

31. Can you believe that jerk?

32. He's a fucking jerk.

33. 20 London Metal Exchange copper rallied 6% at the open of electronic trading Monday, but the move proved to be a knee-jerk reaction, with prices retreating soon after.

34. Billionaire Investor Howard Marks Warming to Bitcoin Marks, who is worth $2.1 billion, said his early comments on bitcoin were a "knee-jerk reaction." Howard Marks, co …

35. I am a jerk, a hysteric jerk, cheating myself that you still care about me.

36. Oh, guten Abend, jerk.

37. Total super-jerk dinkleschplatt.

38. 6 To jerk off is harmful.

39. Snobby little jerk, isn't he?

40. 15 We have probably inherited some of our knee-jerk reactions to transvestism from the Old Testament attitude that cross-dressers would find 'their blood shall be upon them'.

41. I'm a lawyer, you're a jerk.

42. A knee Contusion or bruised knee occurs due to an impact on the knee

43. His thigh muscle gave a sudden jerk.

44. 8 He felt his head jerk reflexively.

45. He's gonna jerk you around.

46. Shut up, you fucking jerk!

47. You are such a jerk.

48. Knee replacement, also called knee Arthroplasty or total knee replacement, is a surgical procedure to resurface a knee damaged by arthritis

49. 21 It may be argued that the jeers were unfair and did little to push the team forward, but what is perhaps more important is the meaning behind such a knee-jerk reaction.

50. 14 The bus stopped with a jerk.

51. 14 His thigh muscle gave a sudden jerk.

52. 25 He can be such a jerk sometimes.

53. So, who's the family jerk now?

54. Don't jerk around so much, kid.

55. I said you are a jerk!

56. Baptizing the Devil hopes to free people from the knee-jerk reaction that the only logical and rational reaction to the phrase It’s science! is to surrender one’s beliefs, even religious ones, to it

57. 15 She sat up with a jerk.

58. Symptoms include knee pain and instability of the knee.

59. No, the light company does that, you jerk!

60. The main difference from Adaptational Villainy is that the character is a jerk, but not that kind of jerk

61. Clicking knee can indicate a lot about your knee condition

62. Crepitus caused by knee arthritis is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as: Pain while walking or bending the knee Knee stiffness that improves with gentle stretching or exercise Knee tenderness or soreness, most commonly on the inside of the knee (medial knee)

63. The answer, in part, may lie in the fact that Sarkozy even got such proposals on the docket, implying his fellow G20 members realize that knee-jerk resistance to reform is no longer an option.

64. Only if you don't mind working with a jerk.

65. 11 What a pig-head,[] narrow-minded jerk!

66. 9 She answered with a jerk of her head.

67. Catcher's knee.

68. Buckskins - breeches made of buckskin breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers, knickers - trousers ending above the knee plural, plural form - …

69. Take a knee.

70. 24 Ignore him. He's just a jerk.

71. Circling by Jerk, releases 07 May 2021 1

72. You don't see me as a jerk now?

73. 1 His thigh muscle gave a sudden jerk.

74. He's wearing the same knee system here with a single axis knee.

75. 7 He gave a sudden jerk of his head .

76. You're better off without that jerk Good riddance, I say.

77. He hot stuff . But eextremecclybody else considers he's a jerk.

78. Transducers must be fitted to measure knee-bending angle and knee-shearing displacement.

79. Jerk him down again if he needs it.

80. 23 The train moved off with a jerk.