Use "kimberlite" in a sentence

1. Meloncus Quillaic Arthroclisis Inscrolls Panta Kimberlite So PNG budgetwestlinbe $ 1.67

2. Meloncus Quillaic Arthroclisis Inscrolls Panta Kimberlite So PNG budgetwestlinbe $ 1.70

3. Deeper workings encountered less altered rock, serpentinized kimberlite, which miners call "blue ground".

4. For instance, it occurs in uncommon mantle xenoliths, carried up by kimberlite.

5. New areas of alluvial diamond deposits have been discovered, and prospecting for kimberlite deposits continues.

6. The process comprises, reacting Kimberlite tailing with mineral acid to remove acid soluble impurities followed by digesting acid treated Kimberlite tailing with alkali solution in a open or closed system to obtain sodium silicate useful for commercial applications.

7. Based on extensive delineation drilling and the interpretation of airborne geophysics, Shore geologists believe the Orion Kimberlite Cluster contains an estimated 1.3 to 1.5 billion t, making it the largest known accumulation of contiguous diamondiferous kimberlite in the world.

8. Description: Baddeleyite is a rare zirconium oxide found in a variety of environments, including kimberlite, syenite and gabbro

9. Some diamonds, eroded from kimberlite pipes, have been transported by rivers and are concentrated in alluvial deposits.

10. The mine is the first successful commercial diamond mine (except alluvial mining operations) not located on a kimberlite pipe.

11. This mine is a kimberlite pipe, rich in diamonds, and the reducing environment helped produce both elemental chromium and diamonds.

12. The morphology of kimberlite pipes and their classical carrot shape is the result of explosive diatreme volcanism from very deep mantle-derived sources.

13. The Kwango River basin has large resources of diamonds in the Chitamba-Lulo Kimberlite Cluster in Lunda Norte Province, discovered in the main river channel and on flats and terraces in its flood plains.

14. Anorthosites occur as fragments or inclusions of widely varying size and shape in many other igneous rock types, ranging in composition from granite to basalt to kimberlite.

15. The project includes a diamond recovery plant, maintenance shop, water treatment facility, power generation facilities, accommodation and administration buildings, a processed kimberlite containment facility, and a 2000-metre long airstrip, all located on the island.

16. Cratons have thick lithospheric roots that extend down to at least 150–200 km, and kimberlite generation in the mantle is probably associated with the physical barrier to mantle upwelling provided by these deep continental roots

17. The massive kimberlite contains phenocrysts of olivine (Fo90–Fo93), chrome-pyrope (7–12 mol.% uvarovite), and phlogopite together with xenocrysts of pyrope-almandine (28–36 mol.% pyrope, 58–64 mol.% almandine) set in a groundmass of olivine (Fo89.5), magnetite, perovskite, and serpentine.